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Nokia sai Withings-kaupan päätökseen


Published: 14:00 CEST 31-05-2016 /GlobeNewswire /Source: NOKIA / : NOKIA /ISIN: FI0009000681

Nokia sai Withings-kaupan päätökseen

Nokia Oyj

31.5.2016 klo 15.00


Nokia sai Withings-kaupan päätökseen


Nokia julkisti tänään saaneensa arvioitua aiemmin päätökseen Withings S.A.:n oston. Alun perin 26.4.2016 julkistetun kaupan myötä Nokia Technologies on perustanut uuden Digital Health -yksikön, jota johtaa Withingsin entinen toimitusjohtaja Cédric Hutchings. Hutchings raportoi Nokia Technologies -liiketoimintaryhmän johtajalle Ramzi Haidamusille.


Digital Health -yksikkö yhdistää Withingsin osaavan henkilöstön ja Nokia Technologiesin sairauksien ennaltaehkäisyyn ja potilashoitoon keskittyvien tiimien asiantuntijat. Uusi yksikkö tarjoaa valikoiman palkittuja Withingsin uraauurtavaan työhön pohjautuvia digitaaliseen terveydenhoitoon liittyviä tuotteita. Tuotteet on suunniteltu saumattomaksi osaksi ihmisten elämää auttaen heitä tekemään parempia päätöksiä sekä heidän oman että heidän perheensä terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin edistämiseksi. Tuotevalikoima pohjautuu pitkälle kehitettyyn digitaalisen terveyden alustaan, ja siihen kuuluu aktiivisuusmittareita, kehon koostumusta mittaavia älyvaakoja, lämpömittareita, verenpainemittareita, valvontakameroita ja vauvojen itkuhälyttimiä. Digital Health -yksikkö jatkaa yhtenäisenä ja Cédricin johtamana keskittymistään yhä älykkäämpien terveydenhoitoon liittyvien tuotteiden kehittämiseen.


"Tämä on uuden jännittävän vaiheen alku Nokia Technologiesin historiassa laajentaessamme tuotevalikoimaamme älykkääseen digitaaliseen terveysteknologiaan", sanoi Nokia Technologies -liiketoimintaryhmän johtaja Ramzi Haidamus. "Nokian tavaramerkki symboloi innovointia, yhteyksiä ja kuluttajalähtöistä teknologiaa ja Withings-kauppa saattaa meidät ideaaliseen asemaan hyödyntämään terveydenhoidon alueen valtavia mahdollisuuksia. Olemme innoissamme toivottaessamme Withings-tiimin tervetulleeksi Nokia-perheeseen".


Nokia Technologies järjestää 9.6. San Franciscossa kutsuvieraille tilaisuuden, jossa se jakaa digitaalisen terveyden visionsa ja esittelee tuotteitaan. Tilaisuus järjestetään Nokia Technologiesin San Franciscon toimiston avajaisten yhteydessä.


Nokia Technologies
Nokia Technologies (TECH) on Nokian teknologiakehitykseen ja lisensointiin keskittyvä liiketoimintayksikkö. TECH perustettiin vuonna 2014 keskittymään patenttilisensointiin sekä teknologian tutkimukseen ja kehitykseen, sillä näissä TECHillä on alan parhaat valmiudet. Keskittymällä digitaaliseen terveyteen, digitaaliseen mediaan sekä brändin ja patenttien lisensointiin TECH laajentaa jatkuvasti muuttuvan teknologian inhimillisiä mahdollisuuksia. Nokia Technologies julkisti vuonna 2015 maailman ensimmäisen virtuaalitodellisuuskamera OZOn, joka on tarkoitettu ammattilaiskäyttöön.



Nokia on globaali johtaja teknologioissa, joiden avulla sekä ihmiset että esineet ovat yhteydessä toisiinsa. Nämä teknologiat ovat yhä merkityksellisempiä verkottuneessa elämässämme, ja Nokia Bell Labsin ja Nokia Technologiesin innovointikyky tuo Nokian eturintamaan niiden kehittämisessä ja lisensoinnissa.


Nokia toimittaa kaikkiin verkkoihin huippuluokan ohjelmistoja, laitteita ja palveluita, joiden avulla se on avainasemassa tukemassa viestintäpalvelujen tarjoajia, viranomaisia ja suuryrityksiä 5G-tekniikan, pilvipalveluiden sekä esineiden internetin lupaustensa lunastamisessa. www.nokia.com


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Näitä ovat esimerkiksi: A) odotukset, suunnitelmat tai hyödyt, jotka liittyvät strategioihimme ja kasvun hallintaan; B) odotukset, suunnitelmat tai hyödyt, jotka liittyvät liiketoimintojemme tulevaan tulokseen; C) odotukset markkinoiden kehittymisestä, yleisestä taloudellisesta tilanteesta ja rakenteellisista muutoksista; D) odotukset ja tavoitteet, jotka koskevat tuloskehitystämme, tulostamme, liiketoiminnan kuluja, veroja, kustannussäästöjä ja kilpailukykyä sekä liiketoiminnan tulosta, mukaan lukien tavoitellut synergiat ja tavoitteet, jotka koskevat markkinaosuuksia, hintoja, liikevaihtoa ja katteita; E) oletukset, jotka koskevat uudelleenjärjestelyitä, investointeja, yritysjärjestelyistä saatavien tuottojen käyttöä, yrityskauppoja ja divestointeja, ja kykymme saavuttaa uudelleenjärjestelyjen, investointien, divestointien ja yrityskauppojen yhteydessä asetetut taloudelliset ja toiminnalliset tavoitteet; ja F) lausumat, jotka sisältävät tai joita edeltävät "uskoa", "odottaa", "ennakoida", "ennustaa", "näkee", "tavoitella", "arvioida", "on tarkoitettu", "tähdätä", "suunnitella", "aikoa", "keskittyä", "jatkaa", "arviomme mukaan", "pitäisi", "tulee" tai muut vastaavat ilmaisut. Tällaiset lausumat perustuvat johdon parhaaseen arvioon ja käsitykseen niiden tietojen valossa, jotka sillä on kyseisellä hetkellä ollut saatavilla. Koska tällaisiin lausumiin sisältyy riskejä ja epävarmuuksia, todelliset tulokset voivat poiketa olennaisesti niistä tuloksista, joita tällä hetkellä odotamme. Riskejä, epävarmuustekijöitä ja muita tekijöitä, jotka saattavat aiheuttaa tällaisia poikkeamia, voivat olla esimerkiksi: 1) kykymme toteuttaa strategiamme, ylläpitää tai parantaa operatiivista ja taloudellista tulostamme tai tunnistaa oikein tai tavoitella menestyksekkäästi liiketoiminta- tai kasvumahdollisuuksia; 2) riippuvuutemme yleisestä taloustilanteesta, markkinaolosuhteista ja muusta kehityksestä maissa, joissa toimimme; 3) riippuvuutemme toimialojemme kehityksestä, mukaan lukien digitaalisen terveyden ja televiestinnän alat; 4) altistumisemme lainsäädäntöön liittyvälle, poliittiselle tai muulle kehitykselle eri maissa tai alueilla, myös kehittyvillä markkinoilla, sekä muun muassa verotukseen ja valuuttakontrolliin liittyville riskeille; 5) kykymme kilpailla ja panostaa tehokkaasti ja kannattavasti uusiin kilpailukykyisiin ja korkealaatuisiin tuotteisiin, palveluihin, uudistuksiin ja teknologioihin sekä tuoda ne markkinoille oikea-aikaisesti; 6) Nokia Technologiesin kyky säilyttää patenttilisensointiin ja immateriaalioikeuksiin perustuvat tulonlähteensä ja luoda uusia tulonlähteitä erityisesti älypuhelinmarkkinoilla; 7) riippuvuutemme immateriaalioikeuksilla suojatuista teknologioista, mukaan lukien itse kehittämämme ja meille lisensoidut teknologiat, sekä immateriaalioikeuksiin liittyvien oikeudellisten vaatimusten, lisensointikustannusten ja käyttörajoitusten riskit; 8) altistumisemme suoralle ja epäsuoralle sääntelylle ja talous- tai kauppapolitiikalle, sekä hallinnossamme, sisäisessä valvonnassamme ja säädösten noudattamisen varmistamisessa käyttämiemme prosessien luotettavuus oikeudellisten seuraamusten estämisessä; 9) tukeutumisemme kolmansien osapuolten ratkaisuihin tietojen tallennuksessa sekä tuotteiden ja palvelujen jakelussa, mikä altistaa meidät tietoturva-, sääntely- ja kyberturvallisuusriskeille; 10) Nokia Technologiesin kyky tuottaa liikevaihtoa ja voittoa lisensoimalla Nokia-brändiä sekä kehittämällä ja myymällä tuotteita ja palveluita, sekä muut liiketoiminta-aloitteet, jotka eivät välttämättä toteudu suunnitelmien mukaisesti; 11) kykymme sitouttaa, kannustaa, kehittää ja rekrytoida osaavia työntekijöitä; 12) kykymme hallita valmistus-, palvelutuotanto-, toimitus-, logistiikka- ja toimitusketjuprosessejamme sekä maantieteellisesti keskittyneisiin tuotantolaitoksiimme liittyvät riskit; 13) liiketoimintojamme koskevien oikeudenkäyntien, välimiesmenettelyjen ja sopimusriitojen epäsuotuisat lopputulemat ja niiden vaikutukset; 14) tietoteknisten järjestelmien tehottomuus, tietoturvaloukkaukset, toimintahäiriöt tai -katkokset; 15) kykymme saavuttaa suunnitelluista yritysjärjestelyistä odotetut hyödyt tai toteuttaa ne onnistuneesti sekä niihin liittyvät odottamattomat vastuut; 16) kykymme hallita ja parantaa taloudellista ja toiminnallista suoritus- ja kilpailukykyämme sekä saavuttaa kustannussäästöjä ja synergiaetuja Alcatel Lucentin hankinnan jälkeen; ja 17) odottamattomat vastuut, jotka liittyvät eläkesuunnitelmiin, vakuutusasioihin ja työntekijöihin, sekä ne riskitekijät, jotka mainitaan Nokian 1.4.2016 jättämässä Yhdysvaltojen arvopaperisäännösten mukaisessa asiakirjassa (Form 20-F) sivuilla 69-87 otsikon "Operating and Financial Review and Prospects-Risk Factors" alla. Muut tuntemattomat tai odottamattomat tekijät tai vääriksi osoittautuvat oletukset voivat aiheuttaa todellisten tulosten olennaisen poikkeamisen tulevaisuutta koskevissa lausumissa esitetyistä odotuksista. Nokia ei sitoudu julkisesti päivittämään tai muuttamaan tulevaisuutta koskevia lausumia uuden tiedon, tulevaisuuden tapahtumien tai muun syyn johdosta, paitsi siltä osin kuin sillä on siihen lainmukainen velvollisuus.


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Nokia completes the acquisition of Withings


Published: 14:00 CEST 31-05-2016 /GlobeNewswire /Source: NOKIA / : NOKIA /ISIN: FI0009000681

Nokia completes the acquisition of Withings

Nokia Corporation 
Stock Exchange Release
May 31, 2016 at 15:00 (CET +1)

Nokia completes the acquisition of Withings

Espoo, Finland - Nokia today announced that it has closed the acquisition of Withings S.A. earlier than had been expected. Through this acquisition, originally announced on April 26, 2016, Nokia Technologies has established a new Digital Health business unit led by Cédric Hutchings, formerly CEO of Withings, who reports to Ramzi Haidamus, president of Nokia Technologies.


The Digital Health business unit combines the talented employees from Withings and experts from the preventive health and patient care teams in Nokia Technologies. The new business unit builds on the pioneering work of Withings, offering a family of award-winning digital health products designed to fit seamlessly into people's lives, empowering them to make smarter decisions about the health and wellbeing of themselves and their families. The product line includes activity trackers, smart body analyzer scales, thermometers, blood pressure monitors, home and baby monitors and more, built on a sophisticated digital health platform. Together, under Cédric's leadership, the Digital Health team will continue to design smarter products for healthy living.


"This is the beginning of an exciting new chapter in the history of Nokia Technologies as we extend our product portfolio to include a series of powerful digital health technologies," said Ramzi Haidamus, president, Nokia Technologies. "The Nokia brand is synonymous with innovation, connectivity and consumer technology and the acquisition of Withings puts us in a perfect position to capitalize on the huge opportunity in the health space. We're excited to welcome the Withings team to the Nokia family."


On June 9, Nokia Technologies will be hosting an invitation only event in San Francisco to share its vision for digital health and showcase its products, coinciding with the opening of its San Francisco office, in the heart of the Bay Area.


About Nokia Technologies
Nokia Technologies is Nokia's advanced technology and licensing business. Formed in 2014, TECH builds upon our solid foundation of industry-leading licensing and technology R&D capabilities. By focusing on Digital Health, Digital Media, Brand Licensing and Patent Licensing, TECH is expanding the human possibilities of the ever-evolving world of technology. In 2015, Nokia Technologies launched OZO, the world's first virtual reality (VR) camera designed for professionals.


About Nokia
Nokia is a global leader in the technologies that connect people and things. Powered by the innovation of Nokia Bell Labs and Nokia Technologies, the company is at the forefront of creating and licensing the technologies that are increasingly at the heart of our connected lives. 

With state-of-the-art software, hardware and services for any type of network, Nokia is uniquely positioned to help communication service providers, governments, and large enterprises deliver on the promise of 5G, the Cloud and the Internet of Things. www.nokia.com 

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It should be noted that Nokia and its businesses are exposed to various risks and uncertainties and certain statements herein that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements, including, without limitation, those regarding: A) expectations, plans or benefits related to our strategies and growth management; B) expectations, plans or benefits related to future performance of our businesses; C) expectations regarding market developments, general economic conditions and structural changes; D) expectations and targets regarding financial performance, results, operating expenses, taxes, cost savings and competitiveness, as well as results of operations including targeted synergies and those related to market share, prices, net sales, income and margins; E) expectations regarding restructurings, investments, uses of proceeds from transactions, acquisitions and divestments and our ability to achieve the financial and operational targets set in  connection with any such restructurings, investments, divestments and acquisitions; and F) statements preceded by or including "believe," "expect," "anticipate," "foresee," "sees," "target," "estimate," "designed," "aim," "plans," "intends," "focus," "continue," "project," "should," "will" or similar expressions. These statements are based on the management's best assumptions and beliefs in light of the information currently available to it. Because they involve risks and uncertainties, actual results may differ materially from the results that we currently expect. Factors, including risks and uncertainties, that could cause such differences include, but are not limited to: 1) our ability to execute our strategy, sustain or improve the operational and financial performance of our business or correctly identify or successfully pursue business opportunities or growth; 2) our dependence on general economic and market conditions and other developments in the economies where we operate; 3) our dependence on the development of the industries in which we operate, including the Digital Health and Telecommunications industries; 4) our exposure to regulatory, political or other developments in various countries or regions, including emerging markets and the associated risks in relation to healthcare, tax matters and exchange controls, among others; 5) our ability to effectively and profitably compete and invest in new competitive high-quality products, services, upgrades and technologies and bring them to market in a timely manner; 6) Nokia Technologies' ability to maintain and establish new sources of patent licensing income and IPR-related revenues, particularly in the smartphone market; 7) our dependence on IPR technologies, including those that we have developed and those that are licensed to us, and the risk of associated IPR-related legal claims, licensing costs and restrictions on use; 8) our exposure to direct and indirect regulation, including healthcare related regulation, economic or trade policies, and the reliability of our governance, internal controls and compliance processes to prevent regulatory penalties; 9) our reliance on third-party solutions for data storage and the distribution of products and services, which expose us to risks relating to security, regulation and cybersecurity breaches; 10) Nokia Technologies' ability to generate net sales and profitability through licensing of the Nokia brand, the development and sales of products and services, as well as other business ventures which may not materialize as planned; 11) our ability to retain, motivate, develop and recruit appropriately skilled employees; 12) our ability to manage our manufacturing, service creation, delivery, logistics and supply chain processes, and the risk related to our geographically concentrated production sites; 13) the impact of unfavorable outcome of litigation, arbitration, agreement-related disputes or allegations of product liability associated with our businesses;  14) inefficiencies, breaches, malfunctions or disruptions of information technology systems; 15) our ability to achieve targeted benefits from or successfully implement planned transactions, as well as the liabilities related thereto; 16) our ability to manage and improve our financial and operating performance, cost savings, competitiveness and synergy benefits after the acquisition of Alcatel Lucent; and 17) unexpected liabilities with respect to pension plans, insurance matters and employees, as well as the risk factors specified on pages 69 to 87 of our annual report on Form 20-F filed on April 1, 2016 under "Operating and financial review and prospects-Risk factors", as well as in Nokia's other filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Other unknown or unpredictable factors or underlying assumptions subsequently proven to be incorrect could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. We do not undertake any obligation to publicly update or revise forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except to the extent legally required.



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Monday 30 May 2016

TimesJobs.com | Interviews For Wipro/EXL/HGS/Hewitt/BT/NIIT- Call 8287012020

Job Alert - TimesJobs The sender of this email is registered with TimesJobs.com as Shivalik Recruiters Interested Reply Now Dear Candidate,Your Resume has been shortlisted for International BPO's. We are hiring for International BPO's for various profiles like Technical Support Executive and Customer Care Executive. We have opening for Brands like Wipro BPO, EXL Service, Hinduja Global Solution, Aegis Global and Benovellient Technologies & Many more. Call Us on our 24*7 Number : 8287012020 for Interview.Desired Candidate Profile: 1. Any Graduate/Post Graduate/Undergraduate2. Experience 0 to 3years ( Fresher and Experienced both Can apply )3. Basic computer and desktop knowledge. 4. Flawless written and verbal communication skills. 5. Strong interpersonal skills 6. Immediate Joining. Benefits With BPO: 1. Awe-inspiring, Overtime and Unlimited incentives over and above CTC. 2. Cab facility. 3. UK/US and few openings left in Day Shift 4. Chance to move into profiles like Team Leader,Quality Auditor, Subject Matter Expert and Voice Trainer 5. Chance to complete further education through Wipro as they tie-up with 30 Universities. 6. 5 Days Working. 7. Excellent Growth Opportunities. 8. Salary 10,500 ? 23,5000 ( Depending upon the profile ) 9. International Exposure 10.Chances to go Abroad (On the job training) 11.World class environment. Job Description:- 1. Technical Support/Customer Service and few openings left in Day Shift 2. Be fluent in free speech - Predominantly English 3. Wants to delight customers, above and beyond the call of duty 4. Is able to communicate clearly. 5. Excellent English Communication skills. 6. Confident while helping customers7. Graduates/ Post Graduates possessing Relationship Management ability. 8. Problem solving ability. 9. Ability to cope well under pressure and meet tight deadlines. 10. Decisive and intuitive. Note:1. We do not Charge Any amount for Placement2. Kindly bring 1 Resume + 1 ID proof + One PhotoInterview Timings: 12:30pm - 5:30pmInterview Venue-Shivalik RecruitersB-77 BasementSector 6Noida 201301Call Us on our 24*7 Number : 8287012020 Interested Reply Now You are receving this mail against your profile on TimesJobs   Experience : 2 Years   CTC : NOT SPECIFIED   Preferred Location : NOT SPECIFIED   Functional Area : Finance / Insurance Services   Specializations : Corporate Advisory   Skills : Apache Commons Update Profile Is this mail relevent to you Yes | No Your feedback would help us in sending you the most relevent job You have received this mail because you are a registered user of Timesjobs.comNote: For your privacy and protection, please do not forward this mail to anyone as it allows you to get automatically logged into your account. Disclaimer : - The sender tj_shivalik of this email is registered with timesjobs.com as (sandeep.shivalikrecruiters@gmail.com, B-77 Sector 6 Noida Uttar Pradesh Pin Code 201301 ) and has accessed your resume on TimesJobs.com. It is the sole responsibility of the candidate to verify the content of the mails sent by the employers/recruiters. Further, you are advised to make that you may receive from any individual/firm/company, asking for advance payment for any service that they may claim to be offering. Timesjobs.com does not vouch/guarantee for any such offers made by the above said parties. If you consider the content of this email inappropriate or spam, you may report abuse by forwarding this email to: corporatecare@timesgroup.com. Please note that timesjobs.com does NOT endorse any requests for money payments, or sharing of bank account details. You can block this recruiter from searching your resume and contacting you.This Website/ E-mail are vulnerable to data corruption, interception, tampering, viruses as well as delivery errors and we do not accept liability for any consequence that may arise therefrom. Please mark all your queries/responses to: corporatecare@timesgroup.com

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TimesJobs.com | Interviews For Wipro/EXL/HGS/Hewitt/BT/NIIT- Call 8287012020

Job Alert - TimesJobs The sender of this email is registered with TimesJobs.com as Shivalik Recruiters Interested Reply Now Dear Candidate,Your Resume has been shortlisted for International BPO's. We are hiring for International BPO's for various profiles like Technical Support Executive and Customer Care Executive. We have opening for Brands like Wipro BPO, EXL Service, Hinduja Global Solution, Aegis Global and Benovellient Technologies & Many more. Call Us on our 24*7 Number : 8287012020 for Interview.Desired Candidate Profile: 1. Any Graduate/Post Graduate/Undergraduate2. Experience 0 to 3years ( Fresher and Experienced both Can apply )3. Basic computer and desktop knowledge. 4. Flawless written and verbal communication skills. 5. Strong interpersonal skills 6. Immediate Joining. Benefits With BPO: 1. Awe-inspiring, Overtime and Unlimited incentives over and above CTC. 2. Cab facility. 3. UK/US and few openings left in Day Shift 4. Chance to move into profiles like Team Leader,Quality Auditor, Subject Matter Expert and Voice Trainer 5. Chance to complete further education through Wipro as they tie-up with 30 Universities. 6. 5 Days Working. 7. Excellent Growth Opportunities. 8. Salary 10,500 ? 23,5000 ( Depending upon the profile ) 9. International Exposure 10.Chances to go Abroad (On the job training) 11.World class environment. Job Description:- 1. Technical Support/Customer Service and few openings left in Day Shift 2. Be fluent in free speech - Predominantly English 3. Wants to delight customers, above and beyond the call of duty 4. Is able to communicate clearly. 5. Excellent English Communication skills. 6. Confident while helping customers7. Graduates/ Post Graduates possessing Relationship Management ability. 8. Problem solving ability. 9. Ability to cope well under pressure and meet tight deadlines. 10. Decisive and intuitive. Note:1. We do not Charge Any amount for Placement2. Kindly bring 1 Resume + 1 ID proof + One PhotoInterview Timings: 12:30pm - 5:30pmInterview Venue-Shivalik RecruitersB-77 BasementSector 6Noida 201301Call Us on our 24*7 Number : 8287012020 Interested Reply Now You are receving this mail against your profile on TimesJobs   Experience : 2 Years   CTC : NOT SPECIFIED   Preferred Location : NOT SPECIFIED   Functional Area : Finance / Insurance Services   Specializations : Corporate Advisory   Skills : Apache Commons Update Profile Is this mail relevent to you Yes | No Your feedback would help us in sending you the most relevent job You have received this mail because you are a registered user of Timesjobs.comNote: For your privacy and protection, please do not forward this mail to anyone as it allows you to get automatically logged into your account. Disclaimer : - The sender tj_shivalik of this email is registered with timesjobs.com as (sandeep.shivalikrecruiters@gmail.com, B-77 Sector 6 Noida Uttar Pradesh Pin Code 201301 ) and has accessed your resume on TimesJobs.com. It is the sole responsibility of the candidate to verify the content of the mails sent by the employers/recruiters. Further, you are advised to make that you may receive from any individual/firm/company, asking for advance payment for any service that they may claim to be offering. Timesjobs.com does not vouch/guarantee for any such offers made by the above said parties. If you consider the content of this email inappropriate or spam, you may report abuse by forwarding this email to: corporatecare@timesgroup.com. Please note that timesjobs.com does NOT endorse any requests for money payments, or sharing of bank account details. You can block this recruiter from searching your resume and contacting you.This Website/ E-mail are vulnerable to data corruption, interception, tampering, viruses as well as delivery errors and we do not accept liability for any consequence that may arise therefrom. Please mark all your queries/responses to: corporatecare@timesgroup.com

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TimesJobs.com | Policy Bazzar hiring for fresher and experienced both

Job Alert - TimesJobs The sender of this email is registered with TimesJobs.com as Aitor Solutions Interested Reply Now Hi,We have urgent requirement for Telecallers for Polocy Bazzar ,details are given below:Qualification: 10 + 2 ,GraduatesExperience: 0 to 2 yrsSalary : 10 to 18 K ,depending on interview and communication skills.Note: Candidates with good in English need to apply.Interested candidate send your resume at aitorsolutions@gmail.com or call on 8527163044 to schedule the interview.RegardsNidhi Srivastava8527163044 Interested Reply Now You are receving this mail against your profile on TimesJobs   Experience : 2 Years   CTC : NOT SPECIFIED   Preferred Location : NOT SPECIFIED   Functional Area : Finance / Insurance Services   Specializations : Corporate Advisory   Skills : Apache Commons Update Profile Is this mail relevent to you Yes | No Your feedback would help us in sending you the most relevent job You have received this mail because you are a registered user of Timesjobs.comNote: For your privacy and protection, please do not forward this mail to anyone as it allows you to get automatically logged into your account. Disclaimer : - The sender aitor_tj of this email is registered with timesjobs.com as (aitorsolutions@gmail.com, 24 C Govindpuram Residency, New Shatabdipuram,Ghaziabad ) and has accessed your resume on TimesJobs.com. It is the sole responsibility of the candidate to verify the content of the mails sent by the employers/recruiters. Further, you are advised to make that you may receive from any individual/firm/company, asking for advance payment for any service that they may claim to be offering. Timesjobs.com does not vouch/guarantee for any such offers made by the above said parties. If you consider the content of this email inappropriate or spam, you may report abuse by forwarding this email to: corporatecare@timesgroup.com. Please note that timesjobs.com does NOT endorse any requests for money payments, or sharing of bank account details. You can block this recruiter from searching your resume and contacting you.This Website/ E-mail are vulnerable to data corruption, interception, tampering, viruses as well as delivery errors and we do not accept liability for any consequence that may arise therefrom. Please mark all your queries/responses to: corporatecare@timesgroup.com

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Job Alert - TimesJobs The sender of this email is registered with TimesJobs.com as Panache Solutions Interested Reply Now INTERVIEW DATE- 1ST JUNE 2016 (WEDNESDAY)INTERVIEW TIME- 11AM TO 2PM only.WE ARE HIRING FOR BACKEND AND VOICE PROFILE IN "AON HEWITT", "HINDUJA GLOBAL SOLUTIONS" , "ARVATO", "HCL COMNET", HCL BPO" , "JOHN KEELS" and many more..********************FOR AON HEWITT***********************(1) Process- OCP (backend) (Location- Gurgaon and Noida)Salary- 14.5k to 16k inhand.Eligibility- Only Non technical Graduates can apply. Exp- 0 to 2 years only.(2) Process- Web Chat (chat) (Locations- Noida) Salary- 0 to .6 year- 18k inhand .6 to 2 years- Acc. to last drawn salary upto 22k inhand.Eligibility- Only Non technical Graduates can apply. Exp- 0 to 2 years.(3) Process- BOA (backend) (Location- Noida/Gurgaon) Salary- 19k to 26k inhand (acc. to last drawn)Eligibility- Only Non technical graduates can apply.Exp criteria- 2 to 4 years in BPO industry only.(4) Process- CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE (VOICE) (Location- Gurgaon) Salary- 0 to 6 months- 18k inhand .6 to 2 years- 21k inhandEligibility- Only Non technical graduates can apply. Exp- 0 to 2 years only.PERKS IN AON- 5 day working + sat-sun fixed off+ Cabs******************FOR HINDUJA GLOBAL SOLUTIONS***********Process- Airtel Titatium (Inbound Voice Process) (Location- Noida)Salary- 15,900/- inhand per month + INCENTIVESEligibility- Any graduate fresher/Experienced can apply.PERKS IN HINDUJA- 5 days+ Cabs in night shifts.***************************FOR ARVATO*********************************** (LOCATION- GURGAON)PROCESS- AIRLINE PROCESS (INBOUND VOICE PROCESS)Salary- 13.5k to 20k inhand (acc. to qualification & experience)Eligibility- Any Graduate/ Undergraduate fresher/ Experienced. (B.TECHS ARE NOT ALLOWED) PERKS- 5 Days working+ both side cabs.*********************FOR HCL COMNET************************* (LOCATION - NOIDA)Profile- "Service Desk" and "Data Center Operations" (Technical Voice)Salary- Acc. to Experience in technical voice- 6 months to 4 years- upto 4 LPA (acc. to last salary) 4+ years- upto 6.5 lacs (acc. to last drawn)ELIGIBILITY- Any undergrad, graduate, dropout, diploma etc.Experince required- Minimum 6 months in Technical Voice.PERKS- 5 Days working + both side Cabs************************FOR HCL BPO************************* (LOCATION- NOIDA)Process- SFDC (Inbound technical voice)Salary- upto 4 LPA ( acc. to last salary)Eligibility- Graduates only with minimum 1 year technical voice experience.Perks- 5 Days working + both side cabs.******************* FOR JOHN KEELS******************* (LOCATION- GURGAON)Process- Customer Support ( Inbound Chat) Salary- 20.5k inhand.Eligibility- Any graduate/undergrad/diploma/dropout/12th pass.Experience required- Minimum 6 months International BPO exp. (Voice/Non voice)Perks- 5 Days working + Both side cabs.NOTE:- (B.TECH FRESHERS CAN APPLY IN HINDUJA ONLY)**********SKILLS REQUIRED FOR ALL JOBS*************- Basic Computer knowledge- EXCELLENT Communication Skills (Written & Spoken)- Should be comfortable working in Night shifts.WORK ENVIRONMENT AND BENEFITS

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Sunday 29 May 2016

5 ways to know your dream job

Timesjobs.com - Jobbuzz Reviews     Salaries     Jobs     Interviews     Insights 5 ways to know your dream job We all need to have a job, any job, to pay our bills. But the key to career success and job satisfaction is to do a job that fits you and not a job you try to fit into. Here are five questions you need to ask before you decide to take up a job. Read More Follow us on JobBuzz | jobbuzz.timesjobs.com | FC-6, Film City, Sector 16A | Noida(UP), India 201301 This message was sent to a31tya@gmail.comPrivacy Policy | Unsubscribe

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Saturday 28 May 2016

How Naveen got through a Job Interview

Timesjobs.com - Jobbuzz Reviews    Salaries    Jobs     Interviews     Insights How Naveen got through a Job Interview She recently sent JobBuzz a thank you note. It is always great to land in your dream company. It would be great to have some idea regarding the interview questions asked earlier for your dream company. So I logged on to JobBuzz to check the questions. The interview questions were really helpful. It helped me a lot to crack the interview. Naveen Naveen is among the thousands of professionals desperate to get a peek into the salary structure of other companies and take the critical decision to change jobs. You can help more people like her by sparing a few minutes & anonymously reviewing your current or former employers on JobBuzz. Post your Interview now! It will hardly take 2 mins Follow us on JobBuzz | jobbuzz.timesjobs.com | FC-6, Film City, Sector 16A | Noida(UP), India 201301 This message was sent to a31tya@gmail.comPrivacy Policy | Unsubscribe

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TimesJobs.com | Hiring Blended/Voice Process Day shift for Gurgaon

Job Alert - TimesJobs The sender of this email is registered with TimesJobs.com as My gate solutions Interested Reply Now Hi,Interview of BPO Noida, Gurgaon and Delhi (Blended Process/ Voice Process Day Shift)For excellent communication skills opportunities are in GurgaonFor Normal communication skills opportunities are in Delhi and NoidaHiring for Domestic BPO For Noida/Delhi Location (Good Hindi speaking, Normal English Speaking and Good English Speaking Candidates)In Domestic BPO it will be Voice process (Inbound and Outbound)Six Days WorkingHiring Customer Service Executive for BPO GurgaonKINDLY WRITE ON YOUR C.V. REF: - Mygate SolutionsProfile: Customer Support (High end Domestic Process International Level)Telecom Escalation80% Emailing and 20% Voice ProcessJob Requirements:? Both Graduates and Undergraduates can apply (Minimum age should be 18 Years) ? Excellent Communication Skills (Spoken)Profile: Customer Support (High end Domestic Process International Level)Premium Telecom Retention Queue:? Voice Process (Inbound\Outbound)? One side cab is provided for night shifts\odd hours? Training is 6 days per week and is paid? Operations 5 days per week (2 rotational week offs)Additional Benefits:? Free Drop for candidates doing shift beyond 8 pm.? Free pickup and drop from nodal points.5 days workingSalary: CTC- 15-20k inhand + Incentives up to 10K15+k for freshers with excellent communication20k inhand for experienced candidates.Interested candidates can share their resume on sajal.kumar@my-gatesolutions.com or can contact us on the below mentioned numbers for further assistance.Interview Day: EverydayInterview Time: 10:00 am 04:00 pmDocuments Required: Candidates should carry photograph, resume & one govt. id proof.Regards,Sajal KumarSr. Manager RecruitmentDelhi NCRPhone No.: 8130509436Email: sajal.kumar@my-gatesolutions.com Interested Reply Now You are receving this mail against your profile on TimesJobs   Experience : 2 Years   CTC : NOT SPECIFIED   Preferred Location : NOT SPECIFIED   Functional Area : Finance / Insurance Services   Specializations : Corporate Advisory   Skills : Apache Commons Update Profile Is this mail relevent to you Yes | No Your feedback would help us in sending you the most relevent job You have received this mail because you are a registered user of Timesjobs.comNote: For your privacy and protection, please do not forward this mail to anyone as it allows you to get automatically logged into your account. Disclaimer : - The sender hire_mygatesols of this email is registered with timesjobs.com as (sajal.kumar@my-gatesolutions.com, noida ) and has accessed your resume on TimesJobs.com. It is the sole responsibility of the candidate to verify the content of the mails sent by the employers/recruiters. Further, you are advised to make that you may receive from any individual/firm/company, asking for advance payment for any service that they may claim to be offering. Timesjobs.com does not vouch/guarantee for any such offers made by the above said parties. If you consider the content of this email inappropriate or spam, you may report abuse by forwarding this email to: corporatecare@timesgroup.com. Please note that timesjobs.com does NOT endorse any requests for money payments, or sharing of bank account details. You can block this recruiter from searching your resume and contacting you.This Website/ E-mail are vulnerable to data corruption, interception, tampering, viruses as well as delivery errors and we do not accept liability for any consequence that may arise therefrom. Please mark all your queries/responses to: corporatecare@timesgroup.com

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Troll Football™ tweeted: Suarez Effect

  Popular in your network Troll Football™ @TrollFootbaII   Suarez Effect http://pic.twitter.com/PCNKQvdF8s View on Twitter Stock Market Tips @Free_StockTips   #Buy #Stocks #SOBHA (NSE Code) SIGNAL : 13 DAYS DMA CROSSED WITH HIGHER VOLUME. Stop Loss & Target in technicalanalysisofstocks.in #india #qotd View on Twitter Via iTunes Up at Night by Cimorelli on iTunes Cimorelli is tweeting about this. Read more EngiNerd. @mainbhiengineer   Can't blame Salman for his anger on Arijit Singh, at the age of 50 with at least 10 ex gfs it must be really tough to handle Arijit's songs View on Twitter emraan hashmi  @emraanhashmi   It is all about adding colours to ur life even during hardship just how #Ayaan did.Only #2Daystogo for #MumbaiLaunch View on Twitter Mobile Photography @MobiPhot   Evening on the countryside. Faaborg//Dk #evening #water #countryside View on Twitter Settings  |  Help  |  Opt-out This email was generated for @adityaadiswt. Twitter, Inc. 1355 Market Street, Suite 900 San Francisco, CA 94103

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Friday 27 May 2016

TimesJobs.com | Interviews For Wipro/EXL/HGS/Hewitt/BT/NIIT- Call 8287012020

Job Alert - TimesJobs The sender of this email is registered with TimesJobs.com as Shivalik Recruiters Interested Reply Now Dear Candidate,Your Resume has been shortlisted for International BPO's. We are hiring for International BPO's for various profiles like Technical Support Executive and Customer Care Executive. We have opening for Brands like Wipro BPO, EXL Service, Hinduja Global Solution, Aegis Global and Benovellient Technologies & Many more. Call Us on our 24*7 Number : 8287012020 for Interview.Desired Candidate Profile: 1. Any Graduate/Post Graduate/Undergraduate2. Experience 0 to 3years ( Fresher and Experienced both Can apply )3. Basic computer and desktop knowledge. 4. Flawless written and verbal communication skills. 5. Strong interpersonal skills 6. Immediate Joining. Benefits With BPO: 1. Awe-inspiring, Overtime and Unlimited incentives over and above CTC. 2. Cab facility. 3. UK/US and few openings left in Day Shift 4. Chance to move into profiles like Team Leader,Quality Auditor, Subject Matter Expert and Voice Trainer 5. Chance to complete further education through Wipro as they tie-up with 30 Universities. 6. 5 Days Working. 7. Excellent Growth Opportunities. 8. Salary 10,500 ? 23,5000 ( Depending upon the profile ) 9. International Exposure 10.Chances to go Abroad (On the job training) 11.World class environment. Job Description:- 1. Technical Support/Customer Service and few openings left in Day Shift 2. Be fluent in free speech - Predominantly English 3. Wants to delight customers, above and beyond the call of duty 4. Is able to communicate clearly. 5. Excellent English Communication skills. 6. Confident while helping customers7. Graduates/ Post Graduates possessing Relationship Management ability. 8. Problem solving ability. 9. Ability to cope well under pressure and meet tight deadlines. 10. Decisive and intuitive. Note:1. We do not Charge Any amount for Placement2. Kindly bring 1 Resume + 1 ID proof + One PhotoInterview Timings: 12:30pm - 5:30pmInterview Venue-Shivalik RecruitersB-77 BasementSector 6Noida 201301Call Us on our 24*7 Number : 8287012020 Interested Reply Now You are receving this mail against your profile on TimesJobs   Experience : 2 Years   CTC : NOT SPECIFIED   Preferred Location : NOT SPECIFIED   Functional Area : Finance / Insurance Services   Specializations : Corporate Advisory   Skills : Apache Commons Update Profile Is this mail relevent to you Yes | No Your feedback would help us in sending you the most relevent job You have received this mail because you are a registered user of Timesjobs.comNote: For your privacy and protection, please do not forward this mail to anyone as it allows you to get automatically logged into your account. Disclaimer : - The sender tj_shivalik of this email is registered with timesjobs.com as (sandeep.shivalikrecruiters@gmail.com, B-77 Sector 6 Noida Uttar Pradesh Pin Code 201301 ) and has accessed your resume on TimesJobs.com. It is the sole responsibility of the candidate to verify the content of the mails sent by the employers/recruiters. Further, you are advised to make that you may receive from any individual/firm/company, asking for advance payment for any service that they may claim to be offering. Timesjobs.com does not vouch/guarantee for any such offers made by the above said parties. If you consider the content of this email inappropriate or spam, you may report abuse by forwarding this email to: corporatecare@timesgroup.com. Please note that timesjobs.com does NOT endorse any requests for money payments, or sharing of bank account details. You can block this recruiter from searching your resume and contacting you.This Website/ E-mail are vulnerable to data corruption, interception, tampering, viruses as well as delivery errors and we do not accept liability for any consequence that may arise therefrom. Please mark all your queries/responses to: corporatecare@timesgroup.com

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5 things unprofessional people do and you should avoid

Timesjobs.com - Jobbuzz Reviews     Salary     Jobs     Interviews     Insights 5 things unprofessional people do and you should avoid Being professional is doing the right thing, even if it is takes more time or costs more in terms of money or effort. Below is a list of the top five most glaring examples of truly unprofessional behavior. Read More Follow us on JobBuzz | jobbuzz.timesjobs.com | FC-6, Film City, Sector 16A | Noida(UP), India 201301 This message was sent to a31tya@gmail.comPrivacy Policy | Unsubscribe

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Aditya, go back to basics with Twitter 101

Become a Twitter pro. Become a Twitter pro.     Too good to keep to yourself When you come across a Tweet you want to share, tap the Retweet icon and the people who follow you will see it. Check out our collection of top videos on Twitter and Retweet your favorite to your followers. About | Help | Opt-out | Download app Twitter, Inc. 1355 Market St, Suite 900 San Francisco, CA 94107 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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Thursday 26 May 2016

Do You Know These Company Secrets?

Timesjobs.com - Jobbuzz Reviews     Jobs     Interviews     Insights Hi Candiadate, We all crave for insights into company cultures. JobBuzz ran a poll asking employees about their employer's inside workings and there were quite a few revelations. Insider's Information Revealed! 61% of Accenture Employee agreed that they have flexible working hours READ MORE 73% of Tata Motors Employees agree that their salary is as per market standard READ MORE 77% of SBI employees revealed that they attend trainings twice a year READ MORE 46% of Wipro employees felt that their colleagues are extremely smart READ MORE Wait.. Why don't you participate in a small survey anonymously and help others to make a smarter career decision? Post your survey Follow us on JobBuzz | jobbuzz.timesjobs.com | FC-6, Film City, Sector 16A | Noida(UP), India 201301 This message was sent to a31tya@gmail.comPrivacy Policy | Unsubscribe

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Aditya, what's happening in the world?

Twitter The best videos of the week are too good for you to miss. The best videos of the week are too good for you to miss.     skai jackson hive   @awwwchris She was so cute and so happy. 😍   Efuru   @JheneAiko Nami !!! 😂😂😂 my daughter is 7 and definitely cooler than me and all my friends   FREDDY   @FreddyAmazin Florence Welch singing with a fan who couldn't attend her show due to health problems. I love this. Browse more About | Help | Opt Out | Download app Twitter, Inc. 1355 Market St, Suite 900 San Francisco, CA 94107 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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Follow Mature Sensual, NSUI Helpline and Akshay Kumar on Twitter!

  Hey Aditya, Here are some people we think you might like to follow: Mature Sensual  @MatureSensual Followed by Kinkpin.in   Follow NSUI Helpline  @nsuihelpline Followed by Arshad Khan Online™   Follow Akshay Kumar  @akshaykumar   Follow Settings  |  Help  |  Opt-out This email was generated for @adityaadiswt. Twitter, Inc. 1355 Market Street, Suite 900 San Francisco, CA 94103

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TimesJobs.com | Hiring Blended/Voice Process Day shift for Gurgaon

Job Alert - TimesJobs The sender of this email is registered with TimesJobs.com as My gate solutions Interested Reply Now Hi,Interview of BPO Noida, Gurgaon and Delhi (Blended Process/ Voice Process Day Shift)For excellent communication skills opportunities are in GurgaonFor Normal communication skills opportunities are in Delhi and NoidaHiring for Domestic BPO For Noida/Delhi Location (Good Hindi speaking, Normal English Speaking and Good English Speaking Candidates)In Domestic BPO it will be Voice process (Inbound and Outbound)Six Days WorkingHiring Customer Service Executive for BPO GurgaonKINDLY WRITE ON YOUR C.V. REF: - Mygate SolutionsProfile: Customer Support (High end Domestic Process International Level)Telecom Escalation80% Emailing and 20% Voice ProcessJob Requirements:? Both Graduates and Undergraduates can apply (Minimum age should be 18 Years) ? Excellent Communication Skills (Spoken)Profile: Customer Support (High end Domestic Process International Level)Premium Telecom Retention Queue:? Voice Process (Inbound\Outbound)? One side cab is provided for night shifts\odd hours? Training is 6 days per week and is paid? Operations 5 days per week (2 rotational week offs)Additional Benefits:? Free Drop for candidates doing shift beyond 8 pm.? Free pickup and drop from nodal points.5 days workingSalary: CTC- 15-20k inhand + Incentives up to 10K15+k for freshers with excellent communication20k inhand for experienced candidates.Interested candidates can share their resume on sajal.kumar@my-gatesolutions.com or can contact us on the below mentioned numbers for further assistance.Interview Day: EverydayInterview Time: 10:00 am 04:00 pmDocuments Required: Candidates should carry photograph, resume & one govt. id proof.Regards,Sajal KumarSr. Manager RecruitmentDelhi NCRPhone No.: 8130509436Email: sajal.kumar@my-gatesolutions.com Interested Reply Now You are receving this mail against your profile on TimesJobs   Experience : 2 Years   CTC : NOT SPECIFIED   Preferred Location : NOT SPECIFIED   Functional Area : Finance / Insurance Services   Specializations : Corporate Advisory   Skills : Apache Commons Update Profile Is this mail relevent to you Yes | No Your feedback would help us in sending you the most relevent job You have received this mail because you are a registered user of Timesjobs.comNote: For your privacy and protection, please do not forward this mail to anyone as it allows you to get automatically logged into your account. Disclaimer : - The sender hire_mygatesols of this email is registered with timesjobs.com as (sajal.kumar@my-gatesolutions.com, noida ) and has accessed your resume on TimesJobs.com. It is the sole responsibility of the candidate to verify the content of the mails sent by the employers/recruiters. Further, you are advised to make that you may receive from any individual/firm/company, asking for advance payment for any service that they may claim to be offering. Timesjobs.com does not vouch/guarantee for any such offers made by the above said parties. If you consider the content of this email inappropriate or spam, you may report abuse by forwarding this email to: corporatecare@timesgroup.com. Please note that timesjobs.com does NOT endorse any requests for money payments, or sharing of bank account details. You can block this recruiter from searching your resume and contacting you.This Website/ E-mail are vulnerable to data corruption, interception, tampering, viruses as well as delivery errors and we do not accept liability for any consequence that may arise therefrom. Please mark all your queries/responses to: corporatecare@timesgroup.com

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Wednesday 25 May 2016

TimesJobs.com | Interviews For Wipro/EXL/HGS/Hewitt/BT/NIIT- Call 8287012020

Job Alert - TimesJobs The sender of this email is registered with TimesJobs.com as Shivalik Recruiters Interested Reply Now Dear Candidate,Your Resume has been shortlisted for International BPO's. We are hiring for International BPO's for various profiles like Technical Support Executive and Customer Care Executive. We have opening for Brands like Wipro BPO, EXL Service, Hinduja Global Solution, Aegis Global and Benovellient Technologies & Many more. Call Us on our 24*7 Number : 8287012020 for Interview.Desired Candidate Profile: 1. Any Graduate/Post Graduate/Undergraduate2. Experience 0 to 3years ( Fresher and Experienced both Can apply )3. Basic computer and desktop knowledge. 4. Flawless written and verbal communication skills. 5. Strong interpersonal skills 6. Immediate Joining. Benefits With BPO: 1. Awe-inspiring, Overtime and Unlimited incentives over and above CTC. 2. Cab facility. 3. UK/US and few openings left in Day Shift 4. Chance to move into profiles like Team Leader,Quality Auditor, Subject Matter Expert and Voice Trainer 5. Chance to complete further education through Wipro as they tie-up with 30 Universities. 6. 5 Days Working. 7. Excellent Growth Opportunities. 8. Salary 10,500 ? 23,5000 ( Depending upon the profile ) 9. International Exposure 10.Chances to go Abroad (On the job training) 11.World class environment. Job Description:- 1. Technical Support/Customer Service and few openings left in Day Shift 2. Be fluent in free speech - Predominantly English 3. Wants to delight customers, above and beyond the call of duty 4. Is able to communicate clearly. 5. Excellent English Communication skills. 6. Confident while helping customers7. Graduates/ Post Graduates possessing Relationship Management ability. 8. Problem solving ability. 9. Ability to cope well under pressure and meet tight deadlines. 10. Decisive and intuitive. Note:1. We do not Charge Any amount for Placement2. Kindly bring 1 Resume + 1 ID proof + One PhotoInterview Timings: 12:30pm - 5:30pmInterview Venue-Shivalik RecruitersB-77 BasementSector 6Noida 201301Call Us on our 24*7 Number : 8287012020 Interested Reply Now You are receving this mail against your profile on TimesJobs   Experience : 2 Years   CTC : NOT SPECIFIED   Preferred Location : NOT SPECIFIED   Functional Area : Finance / Insurance Services   Specializations : Corporate Advisory   Skills : Apache Commons Update Profile Is this mail relevent to you Yes | No Your feedback would help us in sending you the most relevent job You have received this mail because you are a registered user of Timesjobs.comNote: For your privacy and protection, please do not forward this mail to anyone as it allows you to get automatically logged into your account. Disclaimer : - The sender tj_shivalik of this email is registered with timesjobs.com as (sandeep.shivalikrecruiters@gmail.com, B-77 Sector 6 Noida Uttar Pradesh Pin Code 201301 ) and has accessed your resume on TimesJobs.com. It is the sole responsibility of the candidate to verify the content of the mails sent by the employers/recruiters. Further, you are advised to make that you may receive from any individual/firm/company, asking for advance payment for any service that they may claim to be offering. Timesjobs.com does not vouch/guarantee for any such offers made by the above said parties. If you consider the content of this email inappropriate or spam, you may report abuse by forwarding this email to: corporatecare@timesgroup.com. Please note that timesjobs.com does NOT endorse any requests for money payments, or sharing of bank account details. You can block this recruiter from searching your resume and contacting you.This Website/ E-mail are vulnerable to data corruption, interception, tampering, viruses as well as delivery errors and we do not accept liability for any consequence that may arise therefrom. Please mark all your queries/responses to: corporatecare@timesgroup.com

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Favourite Questions Asked in HR Interviews

Make Intelligent Career Decisions - JobBuzz Make Intelligent Career Decisions - JobBuzz Favourite Questions Asked in HR Interviews that Tricked the Minds of Job Seekers We have brought 3 most popular ones of 2015. Favourite Questions Asked in HR Interviews 1 Describe yourself in one word? View Answer >> 2 What was the last movie that made you a little emotional? View Answer >> 3 If you have three, you have three. If you have two, you have two but if you have one, you have none. What is it? View Answer >> Get all this and more at the ALL NEW JOBBUZZImprove your chances of getting your dream job. Interview Questions 68,000+ expected questions:crack the interview Company Review 71,000+ Companies:get inside information

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Your CV is Shortlisted for DHFL's PGPFS Program, CTC- 3.5 lacs+ Incentives - Apply Now

ITM DHFL If you are unable to view this mailer, please click here in association with Post Graduate Program in Financial Services (PGPFS) Program DetailsPost Graduate Program in Financial Services (PGPFS) The profile is specially crafted for graduates who aspires to explore career opportunity in BFSI Sector. ITM Edutech Training Pvt. Ltd. in association with DHFL introduces its new program “PGPFS” a career start in Financial services - specialized designed Program in “Housing Finance” on payroll of DHFL. Program Features: 1 year program (6 months classroom training + 6 months Internship) Monthly Stipend of Rs.5000/- during residential training Monthly Stipend of Rs.18000/- during Internship After successful completion of the course, candidates will be absorbed by DHFL as Management Trainee with a fixed annual CTC of Rs.3,50,000/- + Incentives Benefits FeePayback 50% of course fee will be reimbursed in 2 equal installments at the end of 1st and 2nd year of full-time employment respectively. Job Location: PAN India Training Location: Mumbai & Noida. Eligibility: Age: 20 to 28 years Education: Any Graduates, MBA and Engineers Experience – 0 months to 2 years. Fresh graduates can also apply. graduates can also apply.     Duration: 1 yr. (6 month classroom training + 6 month internship with DHFL)     Investment: ₹ 2,90,000/- (inclusive of all applicable taxes) Loan Assistance Available.   For more information Corporate Office: Platinum Technopark, 1001, 10th Floor, Plot No. 17-18, Sector 30 - A, Vashi, Navi Mumbai - 400 703. You have received this mail because you are a registered user of TimesJobs.com To Unsubscribe click here. Please do not reply to this mail. Please mark all your queries/responses to: timesjobs@timesgroup.com Times Business Solutions (A Division of Times Internet Ltd.) Times Center (Digital Content Production Facility) FC - 6, (Ground Floor), Sector 16 A, Film City, NOIDA - 201 301 Uttar Pradesh                                                            

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JobBuzz Emailer Hey User, posted for your followed companies 10 REVIEWS Added ICICI Bank Ltd 1281 reviews No personal life... Read full Cognizant Technology Solutions 578 reviews Best work culture and environmnet... Read full ICICI Bank Ltd 1281 reviews Worst politics culture in ICICI... Read full Infosys Technologies Ltd 763 reviews Infosys review... Read full ICICI Bank Ltd 1281 reviews High Local Politics... Read full ICICI Bank Ltd 1281 reviews Work-Life Balance... Read full MakeMyTrip Ltd 20 reviews Best place to work, employe friendly environment... Read full Cognizant Technology Solutions 578 reviews Best place to work... Read full Infosys Technologies Ltd 763 reviews Good place to start with... Read full Cognizant Technology Solutions 578 reviews Best place to work based on the project you are mappe...... Read full 1 INTERVIEW Added Cognizant Technology Solutions 1385 Interviews What are your qualifications?... View answers HTML, Java, PHP Best, Team Jobbuzz This email was sent by JobBuzz (Sector - 16A, Plot no. - FC-6, Film City, Noida(UP) India). JobBuzz is the best source to know in and out about companies. Unsubscribe from this mail.

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Tuesday 24 May 2016

TimesJobs.com | UR CV Is Shortliste For Foodpanda Direct Joining -9138458018

Job Alert - TimesJobs The sender of this email is registered with TimesJobs.com as Think Vision BPO Interested Reply Now UR Resume is shortlisted for Direct joining in Foodpanda(full/part time)job profile:- CCE /CSE/ BackendVacancies-95 leftSalary package:- up to 22kunlimited IncentivesBoth side cab Day Night shift availablecome and get the Job by single interviewCall now for more info.- HR ROBIN 9138458018 Interested Reply Now You are receving this mail against your profile on TimesJobs   Experience : 2 Years   CTC : NOT SPECIFIED   Preferred Location : NOT SPECIFIED   Functional Area : Finance / Insurance Services   Specializations : Corporate Advisory   Skills : Apache Commons Update Profile Is this mail relevent to you Yes | No Your feedback would help us in sending you the most relevent job You have received this mail because you are a registered user of Timesjobs.comNote: For your privacy and protection, please do not forward this mail to anyone as it allows you to get automatically logged into your account. Disclaimer : - The sender tj_thinkvision of this email is registered with timesjobs.com as (rsbagga25@gmail.com, UB-21 Indra Prakash Building, metro station gate no. 4 ) and has accessed your resume on TimesJobs.com. It is the sole responsibility of the candidate to verify the content of the mails sent by the employers/recruiters. Further, you are advised to make that you may receive from any individual/firm/company, asking for advance payment for any service that they may claim to be offering. Timesjobs.com does not vouch/guarantee for any such offers made by the above said parties. If you consider the content of this email inappropriate or spam, you may report abuse by forwarding this email to: corporatecare@timesgroup.com. Please note that timesjobs.com does NOT endorse any requests for money payments, or sharing of bank account details. You can block this recruiter from searching your resume and contacting you.This Website/ E-mail are vulnerable to data corruption, interception, tampering, viruses as well as delivery errors and we do not accept liability for any consequence that may arise therefrom. Please mark all your queries/responses to: corporatecare@timesgroup.com

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Secrets Revealed: Company Culture Of Popular Companies

Timesjobs.com - Jobbuzz Reviews   Salaries    Jobs     Interviews     Insights Hi Candiadate, We all crave for insights into company cultures. JobBuzz ran a poll asking employees about their employer's inside workings and there were quite a few revelations. Insider's Information Revealed! 63% of Mahindra employees reveal that they receive promotion once in two years. READ MORE 95% HCC employees reveal that they find their salary as per market standard. READ MORE 83% of TATA STEEL employees reveal that they find their salary as per market standard. READ MORE 61% of HDFC employees reveal that they don't have a flexible working hours. READ MORE Wait.. Why don't you participate in a small survey anonymously and help others to make a smarter career decision? Post your survey Follow us on JobBuzz | jobbuzz.timesjobs.com | FC-6, Film City, Sector 16A | Noida(UP), India 201301 This message was sent to a31tya@gmail.comPrivacy Policy | Unsubscribe

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Aditya, are you ready for the biggest matches of the year?

The 2016 IPL Playoffs are underway. Follow #IPL to connect. Get all the IPL action. See the latest from the #IPL. The 2016 IPL Playoffs are underway. Follow #IPL to connect. Get all the IPL action. See the latest from the #IPL.   Get all the IPL action The 2016 IPL Playoffs are underway. Follow #IPL to connect with players, spark conversations with friends, and get more from the games with exclusive behind-the-scenes access and real-time updates only on Twitter. About | Help | Opt-out | Download app Twitter, Inc. 1355 Market St, Suite 900 San Francisco, CA 94107 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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Nokia's Capital Markets Day will be held on November 15, 2016


Nokia's Capital Markets Day will be held on November 15, 2016

24 May, 2016

Espoo, Finland - Nokia plans to hold its Capital Markets Day 2016, an event for the investor community, in Barcelona on November 15, 2016.

A live webcast of the event will begin at 9 a.m. Barcelona time (8 a.m. London; 3 a.m. New York). Investors and media are welcome to view the webcast, which will be made available on our investor relations website. In accordance with our normal practice, a press release related to the event is expected to be published on November 15, 2016, before the meeting starts. 

About Nokia 
Nokia is a global leader in the technologies that connect people and things. Powered by the innovation of Bell Labs and Nokia Technologies, the company is at the forefront of creating and licensing the technologies that are increasingly at the heart of our connected lives.

With state-of-the-art software, hardware and services for any type of network, Nokia is uniquely positioned to help communication service providers, governments, and large enterprises deliver on the promise of 5G, the Cloud and the Internet of Things. www.nokia.com

Investor Enquiries:
Nokia Investor Relations
Tel. +358 4080 3 4080

Media Enquiries:
Tel. +358 (0) 10 448 4900



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Monday 23 May 2016

TimesJobs.com | Daily Walk - in Interview call 8287012020

Job Alert - TimesJobs The sender of this email is registered with TimesJobs.com as Shivalik Recruiters Interested Reply Now Dear Candidate, Your Resume has been shortlisted for International BPO's. We are hiring for International BPO's for various profiles like Technical Support Executive and Customer Care Executive. We have opening for Brands like Wipro BPO, EXL Service, Hinduja Global Solution, Aegis Global and Benovellient Technologies & Many more.Walk-In Interview for all these brands on daily basis at Shivalik Recruiters. Desired Candidate Profile: 1. Any Graduate/Post Graduate/Undergraduate 2. Experience 0 to 3years ( Fresher and Experienced both Can apply ) 3. Basic computer and desktop knowledge. 4. Flawless written and verbal communication skills. 5. Strong interpersonal skills 6. Immediate Joining. Benefits With BPO: 1. Awe-inspiring, Overtime and Unlimited incentives over and above CTC. 2. Cab facility. 3. UK/US and few openings left in Day Shift 4. Chance to move into profiles like Team Leader,Quality Auditor, Subject Matter Expert and Voice Trainer 5. Chance to complete further education through Wipro as they tie-up with 30 Universities. 6. 5 Days Working. 7. Excellent Growth Opportunities. 8. Salary 10,500 � 23,5000 ( Depending upon the profile ) 9. International Exposure 10.Chances to go Abroad (On the job training) 11.World class environment. Job Description:- 1. Technical Support/Customer Service and few openings left in Day Shift 2. Be fluent in free speech - Predominantly English 3. Wants to delight customers, above and beyond the call of duty 4. Is able to communicate clearly. 5. Excellent English Communication skills. 6. Confident while helping customers 7. Graduates/ Post Graduates possessing Relationship Management ability. 8. Problem solving ability. 9. Ability to cope well under pressure and meet tight deadlines. 10. Decisive and intuitive. Note: 1. We do not Charge Any amount for Placement 2. Kindly bring 1 Resume + 1 ID proof + One Photo Interview Timings: 12:30pm - 5:30pm Interview Venue- Shivalik Recruiters B-77 Basement Sector 6 Noida 201301 Call Us on our 24*7 Number : 8287012020 WhatsApp Number : +91- 8527632386 Interested Reply Now You are receving this mail against your profile on TimesJobs   Experience : 2 Years   CTC : NOT SPECIFIED   Preferred Location : NOT SPECIFIED   Functional Area : Finance / Insurance Services   Specializations : Corporate Advisory   Skills : Apache Commons Update Profile Is this mail relevent to you Yes | No Your feedback would help us in sending you the most relevent job You have received this mail because you are a registered user of Timesjobs.comNote: For your privacy and protection, please do not forward this mail to anyone as it allows you to get automatically logged into your account. Disclaimer : - The sender tj_shivalik of this email is registered with timesjobs.com as (sandeep.shivalikrecruiters@gmail.com, B-77 Sector 6 Noida Uttar Pradesh Pin Code 201301 ) and has accessed your resume on TimesJobs.com. It is the sole responsibility of the candidate to verify the content of the mails sent by the employers/recruiters. Further, you are advised to make that you may receive from any individual/firm/company, asking for advance payment for any service that they may claim to be offering. Timesjobs.com does not vouch/guarantee for any such offers made by the above said parties. If you consider the content of this email inappropriate or spam, you may report abuse by forwarding this email to: corporatecare@timesgroup.com. Please note that timesjobs.com does NOT endorse any requests for money payments, or sharing of bank account details. You can block this recruiter from searching your resume and contacting you.This Website/ E-mail are vulnerable to data corruption, interception, tampering, viruses as well as delivery errors and we do not accept liability for any consequence that may arise therefrom. Please mark all your queries/responses to: corporatecare@timesgroup.com

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Follow EA Access, Zamalek SC and Love Star Production on Twitter!

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Job Alert - TimesJobs The sender of this email is registered with TimesJobs.com as Panache Solutions Interested Reply Now INTERVIEW DATE- 25th MAY 2016 (WEDNESDAY)INTERVIEW TIME- 11AM TO 2PM only.WE ARE HIRING FOR BACKEND AND VOICE PROFILE IN "AON HEWITT" AND "HINDUJA GLOBAL SOLUTIONS"********************FOR AON HEWITT***********************(1) Process- OCP (backend) (Location- Gurgaon and Noida)Salary- 14.5k to 16k inhand.Eligibility- Only Non technical Graduates can apply. Exp- 0 to 2 years only.(2) Process- Web Chat (chat) (Locations- Noida) Salary- 0 to .6 year- 18k inhand .6 to 2 years- Acc. to last drawn salary upto 21k inhand.Eligibility- Only Non technical Graduates can apply. Exp- 0 to 2 years.(3) Process- BOA (backend) (Location- Noida/Gurgaon) Salary- 19k to 26k inhand (acc. to last drawn)Eligibility- Only Non technical graduates can apply.Exp criteria- 2 to 4 years in BPO industry only.(4) Process- CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE (VOICE) (Location- Gurgaon) Salary- 0 to 6 months- 18k inhand .6 to 2 years- 21k inhandEligibility- Only Non technical graduates can apply. Exp- 0 to 2 years only.PERKS IN AON- 5 day working + sat-sun fixed off+ Cabs******************FOR HINDUJA GLOBAL SOLUTIONS***********Process- Airtel Titatium (Inbound Voice Process) (Location- Noida)Salary- 15,900/- inhand per monthEligibility- Any graduate fresher/Experienced can apply.PERKS IN HINDUJA- 5 days+ Cabs in night shifts.NOTE:- (UNDERGRADUATES CAN NOT APPLY) (TECHNICAL GRADUATES CAN APPLY IN HINDUJA ONLY)SKILLS REQUIRED FOR ALL JOBS-- Basic Computer knowledge- The ability to work in a team environment- EXCELLENT Communication Skills (Written & Spoken)- Should be comfortable working in Night shifts.WORK ENVIRONMENT AND BENEFITS

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TimesJobs.com | Hiring for Yatra.com/Policy Bazzar/PNB Inbound/Oubound Gurgaon

Job Alert - TimesJobs The sender of this email is registered with TimesJobs.com as Aitor Solutions Interested Reply Now Hi,Experience: 0 to 5 yrsSalary 10 K to 30 K1.Policy Bazzar.comLocation: GurgaonSalary 14 K to 30 KProcese Outbound calling2. Bird Information System Pvt.LtdExperience: 0 to 3 yrsSalary 13 k to 18 kProcess: Yatra/Times JobCab facility for Delhi candidates3.Aegis GlobalExperience: 0 to 5 yrsSalary 10 to 30 KProcess: PND Inbound,Airtel Cyber Net , Retenton,Interested candidates send your resume or call on 8527163044 to schedule the interview. Interested Reply Now You are receving this mail against your profile on TimesJobs   Experience : 2 Years   CTC : NOT SPECIFIED   Preferred Location : NOT SPECIFIED   Functional Area : Finance / Insurance Services   Specializations : Corporate Advisory   Skills : Apache Commons Update Profile Is this mail relevent to you Yes | No Your feedback would help us in sending you the most relevent job You have received this mail because you are a registered user of Timesjobs.comNote: For your privacy and protection, please do not forward this mail to anyone as it allows you to get automatically logged into your account. Disclaimer : - The sender aitor_tj of this email is registered with timesjobs.com as (aitorsolutions@gmail.com, 24 C Govindpuram Residency, New Shatabdipuram,Ghaziabad ) and has accessed your resume on TimesJobs.com. It is the sole responsibility of the candidate to verify the content of the mails sent by the employers/recruiters. Further, you are advised to make that you may receive from any individual/firm/company, asking for advance payment for any service that they may claim to be offering. Timesjobs.com does not vouch/guarantee for any such offers made by the above said parties. If you consider the content of this email inappropriate or spam, you may report abuse by forwarding this email to: corporatecare@timesgroup.com. Please note that timesjobs.com does NOT endorse any requests for money payments, or sharing of bank account details. You can block this recruiter from searching your resume and contacting you.This Website/ E-mail are vulnerable to data corruption, interception, tampering, viruses as well as delivery errors and we do not accept liability for any consequence that may arise therefrom. Please mark all your queries/responses to: corporatecare@timesgroup.com

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Sunday 22 May 2016

TimesJobs.com | Walk-In Interview for International BPO - 8287012020

Job Alert - TimesJobs The sender of this email is registered with TimesJobs.com as Shivalik Recruiters Interested Reply Now Dear Candidate,Your Resume has been shortlisted for International BPO's. We are hiring for International BPO's for various profiles like Technical Support Executive and Customer Care Executive. We have opening for Brands like Wipro BPO, EXL Service, Hinduja Global Solution, Aegis Global and Benovellient TechnologiesWalk-In Interview for all these brands on daily basis at Shivalik Recruiters. Desired Candidate Profile: 1. Any Graduate/Post Graduate/Undergraduate2. Experience 0 to 3years ( Fresher and Experienced both Can apply )3. Basic computer and desktop knowledge. 4. Flawless written and verbal communication skills. 5. Strong interpersonal skills 6. Immediate Joining. Benefits With BPO: 1. Awe-inspiring, Overtime and Unlimited incentives over and above CTC. 2. Cab facility. 3. UK/US and few openings left in Day Shift 4. Chance to move into profiles like Team Leader,Quality Auditor, Subject Matter Expert and Voice Trainer 5. Chance to complete further education through Wipro as they tie-up with 30 Universities. 6. 5 Days Working. 7. Excellent Growth Opportunities. 8. Salary 10,500 � 23,5000 ( Depending upon the profile ) 9. International Exposure 10.Chances to go Abroad (On the job training) 11.World class environment. Job Description:- 1. Technical Support/Customer Service and few openings left in Day Shift 2. Be fluent in free speech - Predominantly English 3. Wants to delight customers, above and beyond the call of duty 4. Is able to communicate clearly. 5. Excellent English Communication skills. 6. Confident while helping customers7. Graduates/ Post Graduates possessing Relationship Management ability. 8. Problem solving ability. 9. Ability to cope well under pressure and meet tight deadlines. 10. Decisive and intuitive. Note:1. We do not Charge Any amount for Placement2. Kindly bring 1 Resume + 1 ID proof + One PhotoInterview Timings: 12:30pm - 5:30pmInterview Venue-Shivalik RecruitersB-77 BasementSector 6Noida 201301Call Us on our 24*7 Number : 8287012020WhatsApp Number : +91- 8527632386 Interested Reply Now You are receving this mail against your profile on TimesJobs   Experience : 2 Years   CTC : NOT SPECIFIED   Preferred Location : NOT SPECIFIED   Functional Area : Finance / Insurance Services   Specializations : Corporate Advisory   Skills : Apache Commons Update Profile Is this mail relevent to you Yes | No Your feedback would help us in sending you the most relevent job You have received this mail because you are a registered user of Timesjobs.comNote: For your privacy and protection, please do not forward this mail to anyone as it allows you to get automatically logged into your account. Disclaimer : - The sender tj_shivalik of this email is registered with timesjobs.com as (sandeep.shivalikrecruiters@gmail.com, B-77 Sector 6 Noida Uttar Pradesh Pin Code 201301 ) and has accessed your resume on TimesJobs.com. It is the sole responsibility of the candidate to verify the content of the mails sent by the employers/recruiters. Further, you are advised to make that you may receive from any individual/firm/company, asking for advance payment for any service that they may claim to be offering. Timesjobs.com does not vouch/guarantee for any such offers made by the above said parties. If you consider the content of this email inappropriate or spam, you may report abuse by forwarding this email to: corporatecare@timesgroup.com. Please note that timesjobs.com does NOT endorse any requests for money payments, or sharing of bank account details. You can block this recruiter from searching your resume and contacting you.This Website/ E-mail are vulnerable to data corruption, interception, tampering, viruses as well as delivery errors and we do not accept liability for any consequence that may arise therefrom. Please mark all your queries/responses to: corporatecare@timesgroup.com

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Top 10 Sectors With Maximum Job Opportunities In 2016

Timesjobs.com - Jobbuzz Reviews     Salaries     Jobs     Interviews     Insights 10 sectors with maximum job opportunities in India A growing economy has its sunshine sectors. They not only add to productivity of the economy but also create more jobs compared to other sectors. Here is a list of 10 sectors in the Indian economy with maximum future job opportunities. Read More Follow us on JobBuzz | jobbuzz.timesjobs.com | FC-6, Film City, Sector 16A | Noida(UP), India 201301 This message was sent to a31tya@gmail.comPrivacy Policy | Unsubscribe

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TimesJobs.com | Direct joining in Amazon for fresher call HR DEV{9138458018}

Job Alert - TimesJobs The sender of this email is registered with TimesJobs.com as Think Vision BPO Interested Reply Now Get a good job in Amazon bpo by Giving A single InterviewProcess:- Voice Nd Non Voice Customer service Executive Computer Operator Technical Support ExecutiveSalary Up to 20kUnlimited IncentivesBoth side cab FacilityShift:- Day(9:30-6:30) Night(9:30-6:30)Full/Part Time interviews are Going oncall Now and fix UR Appointmentcall HR DEV{9138458018} Interested Reply Now You are receving this mail against your profile on TimesJobs   Experience : 2 Years   CTC : NOT SPECIFIED   Preferred Location : NOT SPECIFIED   Functional Area : Finance / Insurance Services   Specializations : Corporate Advisory   Skills : Apache Commons Update Profile Is this mail relevent to you Yes | No Your feedback would help us in sending you the most relevent job You have received this mail because you are a registered user of Timesjobs.comNote: For your privacy and protection, please do not forward this mail to anyone as it allows you to get automatically logged into your account. Disclaimer : - The sender tj_thinkvision of this email is registered with timesjobs.com as (rsbagga25@gmail.com, UB-21 Indra Prakash Building, metro station gate no. 4 ) and has accessed your resume on TimesJobs.com. It is the sole responsibility of the candidate to verify the content of the mails sent by the employers/recruiters. Further, you are advised to make that you may receive from any individual/firm/company, asking for advance payment for any service that they may claim to be offering. Timesjobs.com does not vouch/guarantee for any such offers made by the above said parties. If you consider the content of this email inappropriate or spam, you may report abuse by forwarding this email to: corporatecare@timesgroup.com. Please note that timesjobs.com does NOT endorse any requests for money payments, or sharing of bank account details. You can block this recruiter from searching your resume and contacting you.This Website/ E-mail are vulnerable to data corruption, interception, tampering, viruses as well as delivery errors and we do not accept liability for any consequence that may arise therefrom. Please mark all your queries/responses to: corporatecare@timesgroup.com

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