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Monday 31 October 2016

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Nokia ilmoittaa Alcatel-Lucentin arvopapereita koskevan julkisen ostotarjouksensa tarjousajan päättymisestä


Published: 17:45 CET 31-10-2016 /GlobeNewswire /Source: NOKIA / : NOKIA /ISIN: FI0009000681

Nokia ilmoittaa Alcatel-Lucentin arvopapereita koskevan julkisen ostotarjouksensa tarjousajan päättymisestä

Nokia Oyj


31.10.2016 klo 18.45


Nokia ilmoittaa Alcatel-Lucentin arvopapereita koskevan julkisen ostotarjouksensa tarjousajan päättymisestä


Nokian Alcatel-Lucentin jäljellä olevista osakkeista ("Osakkeet"), Alcatel-Lucentin uusiin tai olemassa oleviin osakkeisiin vaihdettavista, 30.1.2019 erääntyvistä vaihtovelkakirjalainoista ("2019 OCEANE -vaihtovelkakirjalaina") sekä Alcatel-Lucentin uusiin tai olemassa oleviin osakkeisiin vaihdettavista, 30.1.2020 erääntyvistä vaihtovelkakirjalainoista ("2020 OCEANE -vaihtovelkakirjalaina", ja yhdessä 2019 OCEANE -vaihtovelkakirjalainojen kanssa "OCEANE-vaihtovelkakirjalainat") tekemän julkisen ostotarjouksen (Julkinen Ostotarjous) tarjousaika on nyt päättynyt. Täten Alcatel-Lucentin osakkeiden ja OCEANE-vaihtovelkakirjalainojen haltijat eivät voi enää tarjota arvopapereitaan Julkiseen Ostotarjoukseen.


Ranskan arvopaperimarkkinaviranomainen (Autorité des Marchés Financiers, "AMF") julkistaa Julkisen Ostotarjouksen tuloksen 2.11.2016, ja samana päivänä toteutetaan niitä Osakkeita ja OCEANE-vaihtovelkakirjalainoja, joita ei ole tarjottu Julkiseen Ostotarjoukseen, koskeva lunastusmenettely ("Lunastusmenettely", ja yhdessä Julkisen Ostotarjouksen kanssa "Tarjous") AMF:n General Regulation -säännöksen mukaisesti. Lunastusmenettelyssä ne Osakkeet ja OCEANE-vaihtovelkakirjalainat, joita ei ole tarjottu Julkiseen Ostotarjoukseen, siirretään Nokialle vastaavia vastikkeita vastaan kuin Julkisessa Ostotarjouksessa maksetut vastikkeet (ilman kuluja) eli 3,50 euroa jokaisesta Alcatel-Lucentin osakkeesta, 4,51 euroa jokaisesta OCEANE 2019 -vaihtovelkakirjalainasta ja 4,50 euroa jokaisesta OCEANE 2020 -vaihtovelkakirjalainasta.


Tarjoukseen liittyvät asiakirjat, mukaan lukien Nokian ja Alcatel-Lucentin yhteinen tarjousasiakirja (note d'information conjointe) ja Nokian ja Alcatel-Lucentin omat "other information" -asiakirjat, ovat saatavilla AMF:n (www.amf-france.org), Nokian verkkosivuilla (http://ift.tt/1PLjUcw) ja Alcatel-Lucentin (http://ift.tt/2ca5rdy) verkkosivuilla.


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Puh. 010 448 4900

Sähköposti: press.services@nokia.com

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Puh. +358 4080 3 4080

Sähköposti: investor.relations@nokia.com



Nokia on globaali johtaja teknologioissa, jotka yhdistävät ihmisiä ja esineitä. Näiden teknologioiden merkitys elämässämme kasvaa, kun maailma ympärillämme verkottuu. Nokia Bell Labsin ja Nokia Technologiesin innovointikyvyn avulla Nokia on eturintamassa kehittämässä ja lisensoimassa teknologioita verkottuneen maailman tarpeisiin.


Nokia toimittaa huippuluokan ohjelmistoja, laitteita ja palveluita kaikenlaisiin verkkoihin. Tämän myötä Nokia on avainasemassa tukemassa viestintäpalvelujen tarjoajia, viranomaisia ja suuryrityksiä mahdollisuuksien hyödyntämisessä 5G-teknologian, pilvipalveluiden sekä esineiden internetin alueilla. www.nokia.com



Tarkempaa tietoa transaktiosta on saatavilla osoitteessa: http://ift.tt/1FPjtuq






Tämä pörssitiedote sisältää tulevaisuutta koskevia lausumia, jotka heijastavat Nokian tämän hetkisiä odotuksia ja näkemyksiä tulevaisuuden tapahtumista ja kehityksestä. Jotkin näistä lausumista voi tunnistaa sanoista tai ilmaisuista kuten "odottaa", "tulee tekemään", ja muista vastaavista ilmaisuista. Tällaisiin tulevaisuutta koskeviin lausumiin kuuluu lausunnot koskien: odotettu tulosten julkistamispäivän ilmoitus AMF:n toimesta, Lunastusmenettelyn toteutumisajankohta ja siinä tarjottu vastike. Tällaisiin tulevaisuutta koskeviin lausumiin sisältyy useita riskejä ja epävarmuustekijöitä, joista monet ovat vaikutusmahdollisuuksiemme ulkopuolella ja joiden johdosta todelliset tulokset saattavat poiketa olennaisesti tulevaisuutta koskevista lausumista. Nämä tulevaisuutta koskevat lausumat perustuvat arvioihimme, oletuksiimme ja odotuksiimme tulevasta kehityksestä meillä tällä hetkellä olevan tiedon valossa. Lausumat ovat ainoastaan ennustuksia, jotka perustuvat tämän hetkisiin odotuksiin ja näkemyksiin tulevaisuuden tapahtumista ja kehityksestä. Tällaisia riskejä ja epävarmuustekijöitä ovat esimerkiksi: AMF:n sääntely koskien Tarjousta sekä muut riskitekijät jotka ilmenevät Nokian ja Alcatel-Lucentin aika ajoin Yhdysvaltain arvopaperimarkkinaviranomaiselle (the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, "SEC") jättämistä asiakirjoista.

Tulevaisuutta koskevat lausumat tulee lukea yhdessä muualla esitettyjen muiden varoittavien lausumien kanssa, mukaan lukien Nokian ja Alcatel-Lucentin viimeisin vuosittainen raportointi Yhdysvaltojen arvopaperisäännösten mukaisessa Form 20-F -asiakirjassa, raportoinnit Yhdysvaltojen arvopaperisäännösten mukaisissa Form 6-K -asiakirjoissa, julkisen ostotarjouksen ilmoitus Form CB mukaisesti sekä muut asiakirjat, jotka Nokia ja Alcatel-Lucent ovat jättäneet SEC:lle. Nämä varoituslausunnot koskevat kokonaisuudessaan kaikkia tässä pörssitiedotteessa esitettyjä tulevaisuutta koskevia lausumia, eikä voi olla varmuutta siitä, että odottamamme tulokset tai kehitykset todella toteutuisivat tai että vaikka ne toteutuisivat olennaisilta osin, niillä olisi odotetut seuraukset tai vaikutukset meihin, liiketoimintaamme tai toimintoihimme. Emme sitoudu julkisesti päivittämään tai muuttamaan tulevaisuutta koskevia lausumia uuden tiedon, tulevaisuuden tapahtumien tai muun syyn johdosta, paitsi siltä osin kuin meillä on siihen lainmukainen velvollisuus.


Tämä pörssitiedote liittyy, kaikkia Alcatel-Lucentin osakkeita ja OCEANE-vaihtovelkakirjalainoja koskevaan Julkiseen Ostotarjoukseen ja sitä seuraavaan Lunastusmenettelyyn. Tämä pörssitiedote on vain informatiivista tarkoitusta varten eikä se ole tarjous ostaa tai vaihtaa tai pyyntö tehdä tarjousta myydä tai vaihtaa Alcatel-Lucentin osakkeita tai OCEANE-vaihtovelkakirjalainoja. Se ei myöskään korvaa Nokian ja Alcatel-Lucentin yhteistä tarjousasiakirjaa (note d'information conjointe), jonka Nokia on jättänyt AMF:lle ja jonka AMF on hyväksynyt 20.9.2016 päätöksellään No. 16-438 (aika ajoin muutettuna tai täydennettynä "Tarjousasiakirja"). Julkinen Ostotarjous ja sitä seuraava Lunastusmenettely tehdään ainoastaan Tarjousasiakirjan kautta.


Tässä pörssitiedotteessa olevia tietoja ei saa julkistaa tai levittää, joko suoraan tai välillisesti valtioon tai alueelle, jossa se olisi kyseisessä valtiossa tai alueella sovellettavien lakien tai määräysten vastaista. Siksi henkilöiden kyseisissä valtioissa tai alueilla, joilla nämä tiedot julkaistaan tai levitetään, tulee tiedostaa nämä rajoitukset ja noudattaa tällaisia lakeja ja asetuksia. Nokia ja Alcatel-Lucent eivät hyväksy mitään vastuuta kenenkään henkilön tekemästä rikkeestä liittyen tällaisiin rajoituksiin.

Tarjousasiakirja ja kaikki edellä mainitut asiakirjat, jos ne jätetään tai rekisteröidään SEC:n kanssa joko Nokian tai Alcatel-Lucentin toimesta, ovat saatavilla maksutta SEC:n verkkosivuilla (www.sec.gov).

Nokian ja Alcatel-Lucentin yhteinen tarjousasiakirja (note d'information conjointe), jonka AMF on hyväksynyt 20.9.2016 päätöksellään No. 16-438 ja joka sisältää yksityiskohtaista tietoa Julkisesta Ostotarjouksesta ja sitä seuraavasta Lunastusmenettelystä, sekä Nokian ja Alcatel-Lucentin "other information" asiakirjat liittyen erityisesti näiden juridisiin, taloudellisiin ja kirjanpidollisiin erityispiirteisiin, ovat saatavilla AMF:n (www.amf-france.org), Nokian (www.nokia.com) ja Alcatel-Lucentin (http://ift.tt/KcBSP8) verkkosivuilla.


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Nokia announces that the offer period of its public buy-out offer for Alcatel-Lucent securities has now closed


Published: 17:45 CET 31-10-2016 /GlobeNewswire /Source: NOKIA / : NOKIA /ISIN: FI0009000681

Nokia announces that the offer period of its public buy-out offer for Alcatel-Lucent securities has now closed

Nokia Corporation

Stock Exchange Release
October 31, 2016 at 18:45 (CET +1) 

Nokia announces that the offer period of its public buy-out offer for Alcatel-Lucent securities has now closed

Espoo, Finland - The offer period in Nokia's public buy-out offer for Alcatel-Lucent remaining shares (the "Shares"), bonds convertible into new or exchangeable for existing Shares due on January 30, 2019 (the "2019 OCEANEs"), and bonds convertible into new or exchangeable for existing Shares due on January 30, 2020 (the "2020 OCEANEs", and together with the 2019 OCEANEs, the "OCEANEs") (the "Public Buy-Out Offer") has now closed. Accordingly, holders of Alcatel-Lucent Shares and OCEANEs may no longer tender their securities into the Public Buy-Out Offer.

The results of the Public Buy-Out Offer will be published by the French stock market authority (Autorité des marchés financiers, "AMF"), on November 2, 2016, which is also the date on which the squeeze-out of all Alcatel-Lucent Shares and OCEANEs not tendered into the Public Buy-Out Offer will occur (the "Squeeze-Out", and together with the Public Buy-Out Offer, the "Offer"), in accordance with the AMF general regulation. In the Squeeze-Out, the Shares and OCEANEs not tendered into the Public Buy-Out Offer will be transferred to Nokia for the same consideration as the consideration of the Public Buy-Out Offer, i.e., EUR 3.50 per Alcatel-Lucent Share, EUR 4.51 per 2019 OCEANE and EUR 4.50 per 2020 OCEANE, net of all costs.

The documentation relating to the Offer, which includes Nokia and Alcatel-Lucent's joint offer document (note d'information conjointe) and Nokia's and Alcatel-Lucent's respective "other information" documents, is available on the AMF website (www.amf-france.org), on Nokia's website (http://ift.tt/1PLjXFf), and on Alcatel-Lucent's website (http://ift.tt/2ca5rdy). 

Media Enquiries:



Tel. +358 (0) 10 448 4900

Email: press.services@nokia.com


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Tel. +358 4080 3 4080

Email: investor.relations@nokia.com



About Nokia 

Nokia is a global leader in the technologies that connect people and things. Powered by the innovation of Nokia Bell Labs and Nokia Technologies, the company is at the forefront of creating and licensing the technologies that are increasingly at the heart of our connected lives. 

With state-of-the-art software, hardware and services for any type of network, Nokia is uniquely positioned to help communication service providers, governments, and large enterprises deliver on the promise of 5G, the Cloud and the Internet of Things. www.nokia.com


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Further information on the transaction can be found at: http://ift.tt/1FPjtuq






This stock exchange release contains forward-looking statements that reflect Nokia's current expectations and views of future events and developments. Some of these forward-looking statements can be identified by terms and phrases such as "expect", "will" and similar expressions. These forward-looking statements include statements relating to: the expected date of announcement of the results by the AMF, the implementation date of the Squeeze-Out, and consideration offered in the Squeeze-Out. These forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond our control, which could cause actual results to differ materially from such statements. These forward-looking statements are based on our beliefs, assumptions and expectations of future performance, taking into account the information currently available to us. These statements are only predictions based upon our current expectations and views of future events and developments. Risks and uncertainties include: AMF's regulation of the Offer as well as other risk factors listed from time to time in Nokia's and Alcatel-Lucent's filings with (or documents furnished to) the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC").


The forward-looking statements should be read in conjunction with the other cautionary statements that are included elsewhere, including Nokia's and Alcatel-Lucent's most recent annual reports on Form 20-F, reports furnished on Form 6-K, the tender offer notification furnished on Form CB, and any other documents that Nokia or Alcatel-Lucent have filed with (or furnished to) the SEC. Any forward-looking statements made in this stock exchange release are qualified in their entirety by these cautionary statements, and there can be no assurance that the actual results or developments anticipated by us will be realized or, even if substantially realized, that they will have the expected consequences to, or effects on, us or our business or operations. Except as required by law, we undertake no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.




This stock exchange release relates to Nokia's Public Buy-Out Offer followed by a Squeeze-Out for all of the ordinary shares and OCEANE convertible bonds of Alcatel-Lucent. This stock exchange release is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer to purchase or exchange, or a solicitation of an offer to sell or exchange, any ordinary shares or OCEANE convertible bonds of Alcatel-Lucent, nor is it a substitute for Nokia and Alcatel-Lucent's joint offer document (note d'information conjointe) filed by Nokia with, and which received visa No. 16-438 from the AMF on September 20, 2016 (as amended and supplemented from time to time, the "Offer Document"). The Public Buy-Out Offer followed by a Squeeze-Out is being made only through the Offer Document.




The information contained in this stock exchange release must not be published, released or distributed, directly or indirectly, in any jurisdiction where the publication, release or distribution of such information is restricted by laws or regulations. Therefore, persons in such jurisdictions into which these materials are published, released or distributed must inform themselves about and comply with such laws or regulations. Nokia and Alcatel-Lucent do not accept any responsibility for any violation by any person of any such restrictions.


The Offer Document and other documents referred to above, if filed or furnished by Nokia or Alcatel-Lucent with the SEC, will be available free of charge at the SEC's website (www.sec.gov).


Nokia and Alcatel-Lucent's joint offer document (note d'information conjointe) which received from the AMF the visa No. 16-438 date September 20, 2016 and contains detailed information with regard to the Public Buy-Out Offer followed by a Squeeze-Out, as well as Nokia's and Alcatel-Lucent's respective "other information" documents relating in particular to their legal, financial and accounting characteristics, are available on the websites of the AMF (www.amf-france.org), Nokia (www.nokia.com) and Alcatel-Lucent (http://ift.tt/KcBSP8).


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Sunday 30 October 2016

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@AtishiMarlena, @healthvideoorg, @WXU_DEZ_032, @CamerasShopping, @BobDylanMusics also Tweeted. Your Highlights Troll Football™ @TrollFootbaII Liverpool fans  220  150 Atishi Marlena @AtishiMarlena Absolutely shocking! The LG is attacking all policies and institutions working for the people of Delhi. http://twitter.com/ashu3page/stat…  840  510 Health Video @healthvideoorg Wheat Belly Total Health: The Ultimate Grain-Free Health and Weight-Loss Life Plan order.sale/TStc (via Amazon)  2 HEALTHY DEALS @WXU_DEZ_032 #Health ift.tt/1OwtYV4 #2521 #health #Deals Health And Fitness - Nutrition  1 Cameras Shopping @CamerasShopping #Best #Photography #Nikon #Coolpix S9700 16.0 MP #Digital #Camera - Black dlvr.it/MY9JsJ #Cameras  2 Bob Dylan Music @BobDylanMusics ❤❤#Musics #Music #BobDylan Uncovered #CD Limited Collector's Edition Covers 857967001010 13tk 2006 #Bestseller #Buy dlvr.it/MY9JTs  1 Settings  |  Help  |  Opt-out This email was generated for @adityaadiswt. Twitter, Inc. 1355 Market Street, Suite 900 San Francisco, CA 94103

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Friday 28 October 2016

@adityaadiswt, why keep it to yourself?

Become a Twitter pro. Hi Aditya   Direct Message Send the best directly Some videos are too good to keep to yourself. When you spot something on Twitter and you've got a friend who'll love it, send it privately via Direct Message. Check out our top videos of the week and choose your favorite to pass along. Start watching

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Top 4 Aptitude Questions Asked in Interviews

Timesjobs.com - Jobbuzz Reviews   Salaries    Jobs     Interviews     Insights Aptitude Questions Asked in the Interview that Tricked the Minds of Job Seekers We bring you the top 4 ones of 2016 Top 4 Aptitude Questions Asked in Interviews In 50 words or fewer, describe what skills and knowledge you can bring to our team? View Answer The day before the day before yesterday is three days after Saturday. What day is today? View Answer There are many instance in a day when minute needle and hour needle of a clock comes in a straight line? View Answer If two painters can complete painting of two rooms in two hours. How many painters would be needed to to paints eighteen rooms in six hours? View Answer Get all this and more at the ALL NEW JOBBUZZ Improve your chances of getting your dream job 69,000+ Interview Questions Expected questions: crack the interview 96,000+ Company Review Companies: get inside information Follow us on JobBuzz | jobbuzz.timesjobs.com | FC-6, Film City, Sector 16A | Noida(UP), India 201301 This message was sent to a31tya@gmail.comPrivacy Policy | Unsubscribe

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Troll Football™ Tweeted: 🎶 "ARRRRRSENE WENGERRRRR"

@TimesofIslambad, @djpaulmach, @1kunalbahl, @raghav_chadha, @EmilyPappas_ also Tweeted. Your Highlights Troll Football™ @TrollFootbaII 🎶 "ARRRRRSENE WENGERRRRR"  290  180 Times of lsIamabad @TimesofIslambad China-Saudi Arabia joint military drills start  http://ift.tt/2ehLYWo  5  7 Paul Mach @djpaulmach Mañana en el @IContinental: #BariBar & Lounge..Presentan la #HalloweenParty• DJ LineUp: Paul Mach@DJCHOBOX @elniggadice @JOSEBUSTOSDJ  2  1 Kunal Bahl @1kunalbahl We enjoy Diwali with our families because someone stays away from theirs. @snapdeal is proud to #CelebrateDiwaliHeroes with a thank you 😊  57  96 Raghav Chadha @raghav_chadha Rising clout of AAP in Odisha has unnerved the Cong that has been playing second fiddle to the ruling BJD for 16 yrs Congress plagued by infighting in Odisha: party members revolt against chief Congress in Odisha unnerved by rising clout of AAP while it battles dissidence in its ranks catchnews.com  600  590 Retweeted by Dennis Koutoudis Emily Pappas @EmilyPappas_ Interview With @DennisKoutoudis on #Socialmedia Presence.#LinkedIn ow.ly/d5mO305Ad1b  2  2 Settings  |  Help  |  Opt-out This email was generated for @adityaadiswt. Twitter, Inc. 1355 Market Street, Suite 900 San Francisco, CA 94103

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Thursday 27 October 2016

Nokia Oyj:n osakkeiden merkinnät optio-oikeuksilla


Published: 07:30 CEST 28-10-2016 /GlobeNewswire /Source: NOKIA / : NOKIA /ISIN: FI0009000681

Nokia Oyj:n osakkeiden merkinnät optio-oikeuksilla

Nokia Oyj


28.10.2016 klo 08.30

Nokia Oyj:n osakkeiden merkinnät optio-oikeuksilla


Nokia Oyj:n vuoden 2011 optio-ohjelman optio-oikeuksilla on 27.9. - 24.10.2016 välisenä aikana merkitty 38 750 kappaletta Nokian osakkeita. Merkintähinta oli 2,08 euroa osakkeelta 11 250 osakkeen osalta ja 1,82 euroa osakkeelta 27 500 osakkeen osalta. Osakemerkinnöistä saatu merkintähinta, yhteensä 73 450,00 euroa kirjataan kokonaisuudessaan sijoitetun vapaan oman pääoman rahastoon eikä yhtiön osakepääomaa merkintöjen seurauksena koroteta. 


Uudet osakkeet tuottavat kaikki osakkeenomistajan oikeudet rekisteröintipäivästä 28.10.2016 lukien. Osakkeet otetaan kaupankäynnin kohteeksi Nasdaq Helsingissä (NOKIA) muiden Nokian osakkeiden kanssa 31.10.2016 alkaen ja Euronext Pariisissa (NOKIA) arviolta 1.11.2016. Euronext Paris julkistaa erillisen tiedotteen, kun se on hyväksynyt uusien osakkeiden listaamisen ja ottamisen kaupankäynnin kohteeksi Euronext Pariisin säännellyllä markkinalla.


Nokian osakkeiden kokonaismäärä on rekisteröinnin jälkeen 5 835 725 262 kappaletta.



Nokia on globaali johtaja teknologioissa, jotka yhdistävät ihmisiä ja esineitä. Näiden teknologioiden merkitys elämässämme kasvaa, kun maailma ympärillämme verkottuu. Nokia Bell Labsin ja Nokia Technologiesin innovointikyvyn avulla Nokia on eturintamassa kehittämässä ja lisensoimassa teknologioita verkottuneen maailman tarpeisiin.


Nokia toimittaa huippuluokan ohjelmistoja, laitteita ja palveluita kaikenlaisiin verkkoihin. Tämän myötä Nokia on avainasemassa tukemassa viestintäpalvelujen tarjoajia, viranomaisia ja suuryrityksiä mahdollisuuksien hyödyntämisessä 5G-teknologian, pilvipalveluiden sekä esineiden internetin alueilla. www.nokia.com


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Puh. +358 (0) 10 448 4900

Sähköposti: press.services@nokia.com


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Exercises with stock options of Nokia Corporation


Published: 07:30 CEST 28-10-2016 /GlobeNewswire /Source: NOKIA / : NOKIA /ISIN: FI0009000681

Exercises with stock options of Nokia Corporation

Nokia Corporation
Stock Exchange Release
October 28, 2016 at 08:30 (CET +1)

Exercises with stock options of Nokia Corporation

Espoo, Finland - Based on Nokia Corporation's 2011 Stock Option Plan a total of 38 750 Nokia shares were subscribed for between September 27 and October 24, 2016. The subscription price was EUR 2.08 per share for 11 250 shares and EUR 1.82 per share for 27 500 shares. The total amount of the subscription price, EUR 73 450.00, will be recorded in the fund for invested non-restricted equity and, consequently, the share capital of the company does not increase.


The new shares carry all the shareholder rights as of the registration date October 28, 2016. The shares will commence trading in Nasdaq Helsinki (NOKIA) together with other Nokia shares as of October 31, 2016 and are expected to commence trading on Euronext Paris (NOKIA) as of November 1, 2016. Euronext Paris will publish a notice announcing the admission to trading on Euronext Paris of the new shares.


The amount of Nokia shares after registration of the shares in the Trade Register is 5 835 725 262 shares.


About Nokia

Nokia is a global leader in the technologies that connect people and things. Powered by the innovation of Nokia Bell Labs and Nokia Technologies, the company is at the forefront of creating and licensing the technologies that are increasingly at the heart of our connected lives.


With state-of-the-art software, hardware and services for any type of network, Nokia is uniquely positioned to help communication service providers, governments, and large enterprises deliver on the promise of 5G, the Cloud and the Internet of Things. www.nokia.com


Media Enquiries:



Tel. +358 (0) 10 448 4900

Email: press.services@nokia.com


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5 ways to boost your salary

Timesjobs.com - Jobbuzz Reviews   Salaries     Jobs     Interviews     Insights 5 ways to boost your salary There are ways to boost the salary which includes preparing a robust list of achievements which you can carry for discussions with your boss. Some other are explained here: Read More Follow us on JobBuzz | jobbuzz.timesjobs.com | FC-6, Film City, Sector 16A | Noida(UP), India 201301 This message was sent to a31tya@gmail.comPrivacy Policy | Unsubscribe

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Troll Football™ Tweeted: Oh yes..

@Caped_Humor, @RoflGandhi_, @GoogleIndia, @TimesofIslambad, @AnkitLal also Tweeted. Your Highlights Troll Football™ @TrollFootbaII Oh yes..  280  130 Retweeted by Anuj Khurana Drunk BATMAN @Caped_Humor Do you believe in rebirths??#indvsnz  520  470 Retweeted by Anuj Khurana Rofl Gandhi 🇮🇳🇹🇭 @RoflGandhi_ Virat Kohli's coach reveals the secret behind his phenomenal success. #Respect  160  130 Google India @GoogleIndia Time to bring in the new new. The brand new #Pixel, in stores now. #madebygoogle  730  3.9K Times of lsIamabad @TimesofIslambad Quetta Police College attack initial investigation report reveal startling facts   http://ift.tt/2eIZPIP  3  2 Ankit Lal @AnkitLal Must watch @ArvindKejriwal's full Interview on @abpsanjha Do watch and RT  430  320 Settings  |  Help  |  Opt-out This email was generated for @adityaadiswt. Twitter, Inc. 1355 Market Street, Suite 900 San Francisco, CA 94103

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Wednesday 26 October 2016

Nokia ilmoittaa muutoksesta johtokuntansa kokoonpanossa


Published: 07:02 CEST 27-10-2016 /GlobeNewswire /Source: NOKIA / : NOKIA /ISIN: FI0009000681

Nokia ilmoittaa muutoksesta johtokuntansa kokoonpanossa

Nokia Oyj
27.10.2016 klo 08.02

Nokia ilmoittaa muutoksesta johtokuntansa kokoonpanossa

Nokia julkisti tänään, että Nokian talous- ja rahoitusjohtaja Timo Ihamuotila eroaa yhtiön palveluksesta siirtyäkseen ABB:n palvelukseen Sveitsiin yhtiön talous- ja rahoitusjohtajaksi sekä johtoryhmän jäseneksi. Ihamuotila jatkaa nykyisessä tehtävässään Nokian talous- ja rahoitusjohtajana ja johtokunnan jäsenenä 31.12.2016 saakka. Sen jälkeen hän toimii yhtiön neuvonantajana 28.2.2017 asti.

Kristian Pullola, joka on tällä hetkellä Nokian talousjohtaja, on nimitetty yhtiön talous- ja rahoitusjohtajaksi ja johtokunnan jäseneksi 1.1.2017 alkaen.

Muutoksen seurauksena Nokian johtokuntaan kuuluvat 1.1.2017 alkaen seuraavat henkilöt: Rajeev Suri, Kristian Pullola, Samih Elhage, Federico Guillén, Basil Alwan, Bhaskar Gorti, Hans-Jürgen Bill, Kathrin Buvac, Ashish Chowdhary, Barry French, Marc Rouanne ja Maria Varsellona.

"Timo on auttanut tekemään Nokiasta vahvemman ja paremman yhtiön ja arvostan häntä suuresti", sanoi Nokian toimitusjohtaja Rajeev Suri. "Hän oli keskeisessä roolissa muun muassa kun ostimme Siemensin osuuden Nokia Siemens Networksista, kun myimme Nokian Devices & Services -liiketoiminnan Microsoftille, kun myimme kartta- ja sijaintipalveluja tarjonneen HERE-liiketoimintamme, ja kun hiljattain hankimme Alcatel-Lucentin. Hänellä on myös ollut merkittävä rooli Nokian viime vuosien vahvan tuloksen taustalla. Jäämme kaipaamaan Timoa, mutta ottaen huomioon, että hän palasi Nokian palvelukseen vuonna 1999 ja on toiminut talous- ja rahoitusjohtajan tehtävässä seitsemän vuoden ajan, ymmärrän ja tuen hänen ratkaisuaan siirtyä tässä vaiheessa uraansa uusiin haasteisiin."

Suri jatkoi lisäämällä: "Olen iloinen, että voimme nimittää Kristian Pullolan Timon seuraajaksi 1.1.2017 alkaen. Kristianin panostus osana Nokia-yhteisöä on ollut huomattava siitä lähtien, kun hän tuli yhtiön palvelukseen vuonna 1999. Hänellä on asiantuntemusta Nokian taloushallinnon ja rahoituksen kaikilta osa-alueilta, vahvaa osaamista liiketoimintamme avainalueilla kuten patenttilisensoinnissa, ja hän on ollut tiiviisti mukana Nokian uudistumisen keskeisissä vaiheissa. Kristianin näytöt ja hänen vuosien läheinen yhteistyönsä Timon kanssa saavat minut vakuuttuneeksi siitä, että hänen siirtymisensä uuteen tehtäväänsä tulee olemaan sujuva ja tehokas. Olemme erittäin innoissamme siitä, että Kristian liittyy Nokian johtokuntaan Timon seuraajana".

Timo Ihamuotila sanoi: "Nokia on ollut tärkeä osa elämääni. Yli 15 vuoden jälkeen yhtiön palveluksessa minun on kuitenkin aika tarttua uusiin haasteisiin uudessa yhtiössä uudella toimialalla. Olen tyytyväinen nähdessäni erinomaisen ja pitkäaikaisen kollegani ottavan tehtävän vastaan, ja lähden yhtiöstä tietäen, että se on hyvissä asemissa tulevaisuutta ajatellen, keskittynyt oikeisiin asioihin, ja sillä on vahva toimeenpanokyky sekä mahtava henkilöstö. Nokialla tulee aina olemaan paikka sydämessäni ja toivon sen työntekijöille kaikkea hyvää tulevina vuosina."

Kristian Pullola sanoi: "Minulle on kunnia tulla valituksi Nokian uudeksi talous- ja rahoitusjohtajaksi. Odotan innolla työskentelyä Rajeevin ja muun Nokia-tiimin kanssa luodaksemme osakkeenomistajille arvoa tulevina vuosina".


Nokia on globaali johtaja teknologioissa, jotka yhdistävät ihmisiä ja esineitä. Näiden teknologioiden merkitys elämässämme kasvaa, kun maailma ympärillämme verkottuu. Nokia Bell Labsin ja Nokia Technologiesin innovointikyvyn avulla Nokia on eturintamassa kehittämässä ja lisensoimassa teknologioita verkottuneen maailman tarpeisiin.

Nokia toimittaa huippuluokan ohjelmistoja, laitteita ja palveluita kaikenlaisiin verkkoihin. Tämän myötä Nokia on avainasemassa tukemassa viestintäpalvelujen tarjoajia, viranomaisia ja suuryrityksiä mahdollisuuksien hyödyntämisessä 5G-teknologian, pilvipalveluiden sekä esineiden internetin alueilla. www.nokia.com


Lisätietoja tiedotusvälineille:
Puh. 010 448 4900


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Nokia announces a change in the composition of the Group Leadership Team


Published: 07:02 CEST 27-10-2016 /GlobeNewswire /Source: NOKIA / : NOKIA /ISIN: FI0009000681

Nokia announces a change in the composition of the Group Leadership Team

Nokia Corporation
Stock Exchange Release
October 27, 2016 at 08:02 (CET +1)

Nokia announces a change in the composition of the Group Leadership Team

Espoo, Finland - Nokia announced today that Timo Ihamuotila, Chief Financial Officer of Nokia, resigns from the company to join ABB in Switzerland as Chief Financial Officer and a member of the Executive committee. Ihamuotila will continue in his current role as Nokia CFO and as a member of the company's Group Leadership Team until December 31, 2016, and will remain as an advisor to the company until February 28, 2017.

Kristian Pullola, who currently is Nokia's Senior Vice President, Corporate Controller, is appointed as Chief Financial Officer and member of the Group Leadership Team as of January 1, 2017.

As a result of this change, effective from January 1, 2017, the Nokia Group Leadership Team will consist of the following members: Rajeev Suri, Kristian Pullola, Samih Elhage, Federico Guillén, Basil Alwan, Bhaskar Gorti, Hans-Jürgen Bill, Kathrin Buvac, Ashish Chowdhary, Barry French, Marc Rouanne and Maria Varsellona.

"Timo has helped make Nokia a stronger and better company, and he has my admiration," said Rajeev Suri, President and Chief Executive Officer of Nokia. "He was instrumental in the purchase of the Siemens share of Nokia Siemens Networks; the sale of Nokia's Devices & Services business to Microsoft; the divestment of HERE, our former mapping business; the recent acquisition of Alcatel-Lucent, and more. He has also played an important role in driving the strong performance of Nokia in recent years. Timo will be missed, but given that he rejoined Nokia in 1999, and now has been in the CFO role for seven years, I understand and support his desire for a new challenge at this point in his career."

Suri further adds: "I am delighted that we are able to appoint Kristian Pullola as Timo's successor, effective January 1, 2017. Kristian has been a strong contributor to the Nokia team since he joined us in 1999. He has expertise in all aspects of the CFO function, deep knowledge across our business in critical areas such as patent licensing and has been heavily involved in all key aspects of the Nokia transformation. Kristian's track record, plus his close collaboration with Timo over many years, makes me confident that his transition into the role will be smooth and effective. We are very excited to have Kristian join the Group Leadership Team as Timo's successor."

Timo Ihamuotila said: "Nokia has been an important part of my life. After over 15 years with the company, it is time for me to take on a new challenge in a new company in a new industry. I am pleased to see a great long-time colleague taking over the role, and I leave knowing that the company is well-positioned for the future and focused on the right areas, with strong execution capabilities and a great team. Nokia will always have a place in my heart and I wish everyone in the company the very best for the coming years."

Kristian Pullola said: "I am honored to have been selected as the new Chief Financial Officer of Nokia, and look forward to working with Rajeev and the rest of the Nokia team to create shareholder value in the years to come."


About Nokia
Nokia is a global leader in the technologies that connect people and things. Powered by the innovation of Nokia Bell Labs and Nokia Technologies, the company is at the forefront of creating and licensing the technologies that are increasingly at the heart of our connected lives.

With state-of-the-art software, hardware and services for any type of network, Nokia is uniquely positioned to help communication service providers, governments, and large enterprises deliver on the promise of 5G, the Cloud and the Internet of Things. www.nokia.com

Media Enquiries:
Tel. +358 (0) 10 448 4900



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Nokia Corporation Interim Report for Q3 2016 and January-September 2016


Published: 07:00 CEST 27-10-2016 /GlobeNewswire /Source: NOKIA / : NOKIA /ISIN: FI0009000681

Nokia Corporation Interim Report for Q3 2016 and January-September 2016

Nokia Corporation 

Interim Report

October 27, 2016 at 08:00 (CET +1)

Solid financial and operational performance across the company

This is a summary of the Nokia Corporation interim report for third quarter 2016 and January-September 2016 published today. The complete interim report for third quarter 2016 and January-September 2016 with tables is available at http://ift.tt/16bfVyq. Investors should not rely on summaries of our interim reports only, but should review the complete interim reports with tables.



  • Non-IFRS net sales in Q3 2016 of EUR 6.0 billion (reported: EUR 5.9 billion). In the year-ago quarter, non-IFRS net sales would have been EUR 6.4 billion on a comparable combined company basis (reported: EUR 3.0 billion on a Nokia stand-alone basis).
  • Non-IFRS diluted EPS in Q3 2016 of EUR 0.04 (reported: EUR negative 0.02).

Nokia's Networks business

  • 12% year-on-year net sales decrease in Q3 2016. Consistent with our outlook for the wireless infrastructure market, net sales were weak in Mobile Networks within Ultra Broadband Networks, and accounted for approximately 80% of the overall decrease in Nokia's Networks business. IP Networks and Applications also contributed to the decrease. This was partially offset by growth in Fixed Networks within Ultra Broadband Networks.
  • In Q3 2016, solid gross margin of 37.2% and operating margin of 8.1%, supported by continued strong operational performance and cost controls.

Nokia Technologies

  • 109% year-on-year net sales increase and 168% operating profit increase in Q3 2016. Excluding the impact of non-recurring licensing income, Nokia Technologies net sales and operating profit both would have grown by approximately 50% year-on-year, primarily due to higher intellectual property licensing income and, to a lesser extent, increased net sales resulting from the acquisition of Withings.

Group Common and Other

  • 41% year-on-year net sales increase in Q3 2016, with particularly strong growth in Alcatel Submarine Networks.


Q3 and January-September 2016 non-IFRS results. Refer to note 1 to the interim financial statements for further details 1,2




Combined company histori-cals2





Combined company histori-cals2



EUR million



YoY change


QoQ change



YoY change


Net sales -
constant currency










Net sales

5 950

6 395


5 676


17 230

18 887



  Nokia's Networks

5 322

6 020


5 228


15 730

17 578



Ultra Broadband

3 903

4 469


3 807


11 438

12 999



IP Networks and

1 419

1 552


1 421


4 292

4 579



  Nokia Technologies










  Group Common
and Other










Gross profit

2 365

2 410


2 202


6 771

7 170



Gross margin %










Operating profit






1 233

1 607



  Nokia's Networks






1 081

1 399



Ultra Broadband










IP Networks and










  Nokia Technologies










  Group Common
and Other










Operating margin %











Q3 and January-September 2016 reported results, unless otherwise specified. Refer to note 1 to the interim financial statements for further details1,3




Nokia stand-alone histori-cals3





Nokia stand-alone histori-cals3



EUR million
(except for EPS
in EUR)



YoY change


QoQ change



YoY change


Net Sales -
constant currency










Net sales

5 890

3 036


5 583


16 972

8 890



  Nokia's Networks

5 322

2 877


5 228


15 730

8 277



Ultra Broadband

3 903

2 548


3 807


11 438

7 343



IP Networks and

1 419



1 421


4 292




  Nokia Technologies










  Group Common
and Other




















Gross profit

2 216

1 316


2 028


5 798

3 843



Gross margin %










Operating profit






(1 417)

1 054



  Nokia's Networks






1 081




Ultra Broadband










IP Networks and










  Nokia Technologies










  Group Common
and Other














(1 092)


(2 650)


1 477%


margin %



(1 010)


1 450



(2 020)


Profit (non-IFRS)










(Loss)/profit 4






(1 570)




EPS, diluted










EPS, diluted 4










Net cash and
other liquid assets

5 539

4 120


7 077


5 539

4 120



1Results are as reported unless otherwise specified. The results information in this report is unaudited. Non-IFRS results exclude costs related to the Alcatel-Lucent transaction and related integration, goodwill impairment charges, intangible asset amortization and purchase price related items, restructuring and associated charges, and certain other items that may not be indicative of Nokia's underlying business performance. For details, please refer to the Non-IFRS Exclusions section included in discussions of both the quarterly and year to date performance and note 2, "Non-IFRS to reported reconciliation", in the notes to the financial statements attached to this report. A reconciliation of the Q3 2015 non-IFRS combined company results to the reported results can be found in the "Nokia provides recast segment results for 2015 reflecting new financial reporting structure" stock exchange release published on April 22, 2016. Change in net sales at constant currency excludes the impact of changes in exchange rates in comparison to Euro, our reporting currency. For more information on currency exposures, please refer to note 1, "Basis of Preparation", in the notes to the financial statements attached to this report.


2Combined company historicals reflect Nokia's new operating and financial reporting structure, including Alcatel-Lucent, and are presented as additional information as described in the stock exchange release published on April 22, 2016. For more information on the combined company historicals, please refer to note 1, "Basis of Preparation", in the notes to the financial statements attached to this report.


3Nokia standalone historicals are the recasting of Nokia's historical standalone financial results, reflecting Nokia's updated segment reporting structure, excluding Alcatel-Lucent. Beginning from the first quarter 2016, Nokia results include those of Alcatel-Lucent on a consolidated basis. Accordingly, Nokia results beginning from the first quarter 2016 are not directly comparable to prior period Nokia standalone results.


4Reported Q1-Q3'16 result is not comparable to the reported results published previously due to an update to the Alcatel-Lucent purchase price allocation in Q3'16 which resulted in an adjustment to the reported Q1'16 income tax benefit. Refer to note 6, "Acquisitions", in the notes to the financial statements attached to this report for further details.





New expiration date announced for Nokia's public buy-out offer for Alcatel-Lucent securities; Squeeze-out expected to occur on November 2, 2016


On October 4, 2016, the French stock market authority (Autorité des marchés financiers, "AMF") announced that a legal action was filed before the Paris Court of Appeal (the "Court") on September 30, 2016 for annulment of the AMF's clearance decision regarding Nokia's public buy-out offer (the "Public Buy-Out Offer"), which would be followed by a squeeze-out (the "Squeeze-Out", together with the Public Buy-Out Offer, the "Offer"), for all remaining securities of Alcatel-Lucent.


On October 25, 2016, the AMF announced the continuation of the timetable of the Offer and, accordingly, the Public Buy-Out Offer period will end on October 31, 2016 and the Squeeze-Out will be implemented on November 2, 2016. In connection with the continuation of the timetable, as a precautionary measure, Nokia has agreed to certain commitments that are in force until the decision of the Court, and in the event that the AMF's clearance decision would be nullified or amended by the Court. 


The legal challenge filed before the Court against the AMF's clearance decision regarding the Offer is still pending and the Court is expected to issue a decision during the first quarter of 2017. Nokia believes that the Offer complies with all applicable laws and regulations and that the legal challenge is without merit.


Nokia adjusts planned share repurchase program to EUR 1.0 billion, after using approximately EUR 560 million in cash to acquire Alcatel-Lucent securities in order to reach the 95% squeeze-out threshold


On October 29, 2015, Nokia announced a EUR 7 billion Capital Structure Optimization Program, including EUR 1.5 billion of share repurchases. The shareholder distributions were calculated assuming ownership of all outstanding shares of Alcatel-Lucent and conversion of all Nokia and Alcatel-Lucent convertible bonds.


Nokia intended to reach the 95% squeeze-out threshold through the initial and subsequent public share exchange offers made in Q4 2015 and Q1 2016 for all outstanding Alcatel-Lucent securities. However, as the 95% threshold was not reached through the exchange offers, Nokia has, in addition to using its shares, used approximately EUR 560 million in cash to acquire Alcatel-Lucent securities in order to reach the 95% threshold. If the Alcatel-Lucent securities that were purchased in cash by Nokia would have instead been exchanged for Nokia shares at the 0.55 exchange ratio for Alcatel-Lucent shares or the 0.704 exchange ratio for the relevant Alcatel-Lucent convertible bonds, approximately 87 million more Nokia shares would have been issued. Ultimately, including the expected cash to be used for the Public Buy-Out Offer and Squeeze-Out of approximately EUR 630 million, Nokia expects to use a total of approximately EUR 1.2 billion in cash to acquire Alcatel-Lucent securities; and instead of having approximately 6 billion Nokia shares outstanding at the end of the transaction, Nokia now expects approximately 5.8 billion outstanding shares.


Nokia considers the approximately EUR 560 million in cash that was used to reach the 95% squeeze-out threshold as indirect share repurchases, and thus, part of the planned EUR 1.5 billion share repurchase program. Consequently, under Nokia's Capital Structure Optimization program, Nokia has already completed EUR 560 million of indirect share repurchases and intends to proceed with EUR 1.0 billion of share repurchases, starting after the completion of the squeeze-out and continuing through the end of 2017.


Nokia and China Huaxin continue negotiations to create a new joint venture combining Nokia China and Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell


Nokia and China Huaxin Post & Telecommunication Economy Development Center ("China Huaxin") are continuing their discussions under the memorandum of understanding, as originally announced on August 28, 2015, to combine Nokia's telecommunications infrastructure businesses in China ("Nokia China") and Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell into a new joint venture.


The expected time frame to reach a definitive agreement was within nine months after completion of Nokia's proposed combination with Alcatel-Lucent in January 2016. Due to the complexity of the negotiations, Nokia and China Huaxin have not reached final terms of how the new joint venture would be created. Therefore, Nokia and China Huaxin continue negotiations to create a new joint venture combining Nokia China and Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell, while continuing to operate under the existing interim operating agreement.





Non-IFRS results provide meaningful supplemental information regarding underlying business performance


In addition to information on our reported IFRS results, we provide certain information on a non-IFRS, or underlying business performance, basis. We believe that our non-IFRS results provide meaningful supplemental information to both management and investors regarding Nokia's underlying business performance by excluding the below-described items that may not be indicative of Nokia's business operating results. These non-IFRS financial measures should not be viewed in isolation or as substitutes to the equivalent IFRS measure(s), but should be used in conjunction with the most directly comparable IFRS measure(s) in the reported results.


Non-IFRS results exclude costs related to the Alcatel-Lucent transaction and related integration, goodwill impairment charges, intangible asset amortization and purchase price related items, restructuring and associated charges, and certain other items that may not be indicative of Nokia's underlying business performance. The non-IFRS exclusions are not allocated to the segments, and hence they are reported only at the Nokia consolidated level.


Financial discussion


The financial discussion included in this interim report of Nokia's results comprises the results of Nokia's businesses - Nokia's Networks business and Nokia Technologies, as well as Group Common and Other. For more information on the changes to our reportable segments, please refer to note 3, "Segment information and eliminations", in the notes to the financial statements attached to this report.


In the discussion of Nokia's results in the third quarter 2016 comparisons are given to the third quarter 2015 and second quarter 2016 results on a combined company basis, unless otherwise indicated. This data has been prepared to reflect the financial results of the continuing operations of Nokia as if the new financial reporting structure had been in operation for the full year 2015. Certain accounting policy alignments, adjustments and reclassifications have been necessary, and these are explained in the "Basis of preparation" section of Nokia's stock exchange release published on April 22, 2016. These adjustments also include reallocation of items of costs and expenses based on their nature and changes to the definition of the line items in the combined company accounting policies, which also affect numbers presented in these interim financial statements for 2015.

In the discussion of Nokia's reported results for the third quarter 2016 and January-September 2016 comparisons are given to the third quarter 2015 and January-September 2015 Nokia standalone historical results, which have been recast to reflect Nokia's updated segment reporting structure excluding Alcatel-Lucent, unless otherwise indicated. From the beginning of 2016, Nokia's results include those of Alcatel-Lucent on a consolidated basis and accordingly are not directly comparable to Nokia standalone historical results.




Nokia delivered solid third quarter results. Nokia Technologies led the way, with a sharp year-on-year increase in net sales, largely driven by revenues related to the Samsung licensing agreement that was announced in Q3. The results also reflect another excellent quarter from Fixed Networks, which improved both net sales and profitability from one year ago.


When we announced our second quarter results in August, we said that we expected to see slight sequential improvement in both net sales and operating margin in the third quarter in our Networks business, and we delivered in both of those areas. I was particularly pleased with our operating margin performance in the quarter, which reflects the strong, focused execution across the organization.


We were able to deliver these solid results despite market conditions that are softer than expected, particularly in mobile infrastructure. As we look forward, we expect those conditions to stabilize somewhat in 2017, with the primary addressable market in which Nokia competes likely to decline in the low single digits for that year.


I believe that Nokia remains well-positioned for this environment. Our disciplined operating model of tight cost controls, prudent investment and focused innovation; our constant industrialization of best practices across the company; our structured approach to fast integration and synergy capture -- all help give us a competitive advantage.


In addition, the power of our broad portfolio was evident in the quarter. We have the unique scope necessary to be able to design and deliver end-to-end networks and thus anchor ourselves in the long-term purchasing strategies of our customers. We also have the capability to diversify into new areas where high-performance, end-to-end networks are increasingly required, such as for large Internet and enterprise vertical market companies. We are seeing good growth in these segments, and have plans to target them further as we move forward.


While the fourth quarter is expected to be soft from a topline perspective, I believe that we will meet our guidance for our Networks business of significant sequential sales and operating margin increase for Q4 and our full-year operating margin guidance of 7% to 9%. In short, we remain on track in our execution and focused on creating value for our customers and shareholders.


Rajeev Suri

President and CEO




Non-IFRS Net sales and non-IFRS operating profit


Nokia non-IFRS net sales decreased 7% year-on-year and increased 5% sequentially. On a constant currency basis, Nokia non-IFRS net sales would have decreased 6% year-on-year and increased 4% sequentially.


Year-on-year changes


EUR million, non-IFRS

Net Sales

% change

Gross profit



Other income and (expenses)

Operating profit

Change in operating margin %

Networks business









Nokia Technologies








1 410bps

Group Common and Other





























Sequential changes


EUR million, non-IFRS

Net Sales

% change

Gross profit



Other income and (expenses)

Operating profit

Change in operating margin %

Networks business









Nokia Technologies








1 780bps

Group Common and Other





























Sequentially, Nokia's non-IFRS gross profit, non-IFRS other income and expense and non-IFRS operating profit benefitted from the absence of an adverse effect related to a customer in Latin America undergoing judicial recovery in Q2 2016.


NOKIA IN Q3 2016 - REPORTED                                          


Net sales

Nokia net sales increased 94% year-on-year, compared to Nokia standalone net sales, and increased 5% sequentially. On a constant currency basis, Nokia net sales would have increased 95% year-on-year, compared to Nokia standalone net sales, and 5% sequentially.

Year-on-year discussion

The year-on-year increase in Nokia net sales in the third quarter 2016, compared to Nokia standalone net sales, was primarily due to growth in Nokia's Networks business and Group Common and Other, both of which primarily related to the acquisition of Alcatel-Lucent, as well as growth in Nokia Technologies. This was partially offset by purchase price allocation adjustment related to the reduced valuation of deferred revenue that existed on Alcatel-Lucent's balance sheet at the time of the acquisition.

Sequential discussion

The sequential increase in Nokia net sales in the third quarter 2016 was primarily due to growth in Nokia Technologies and Nokia's Networks business, the positive impact related to the purchase price allocation adjustment associated with the reduced valuation of deferred revenue that existed on Alcatel-Lucent's balance sheet at the time of the acquisition and growth in Group Common and Other.

Operating profit

Year-on-year discussion

The year-on-year decrease in Nokia operating profit, compared to Nokia standalone operating profit, was primarily due to higher research and development ("R&D") expenses and higher selling, general and administrative ("SG&A") expenses, partially offset by higher gross profit, all of which related primarily to the acquisition of Alcatel-Lucent.

The increase in gross profit was primarily due to Nokia's Networks business and, to a lesser extent, Nokia Technologies and Group Common and Other, partially offset by non-IFRS exclusions related to deferred revenue.

The increase in R&D expenses was primarily due to Nokia's Networks business, non-IFRS exclusions related to amortization of intangible assets and, to a lesser extent, Group Common and Other and Nokia Technologies.

The increase in SG&A expenses was primarily due to Nokia's Networks business, non-IFRS exclusions related to amortization of intangible assets, as well as transaction and integration related costs and, to a lesser extent, Group Common and Other and Nokia Technologies.

Nokia's other income and expenses was an expense of EUR 39 million in the third quarter 2016, compared to an expense of EUR 80 million in the year-ago period. The net positive fluctuation was primarily related to non-IFRS exclusions attributable to lower restructuring and associated charges, partially offset by the absence of realized gains related to certain of Nokia's investments made through its venture funds.

Sequential discussion

Nokia operating profit increased primarily due to lower restructuring and associated charges and higher gross profit. Sequentially, Nokia's gross profit benefitted from the absence of an adverse effect related to a customer in Latin America undergoing judicial recovery in Q2 2016.

The increase in gross profit was primarily due to Nokia Technologies.

Nokia's other income and expenses was an expense of EUR 39 million in the third quarter 2016, compared to an expense of EUR 643 million in the second quarter 2016. The decrease was primarily due to lower restructuring and associated charges. Sequentially, Nokia's other income and expense benefitted from the absence of an adverse effect related to a customer in Latin America undergoing judicial recovery in Q2 2016.

Description of non-IFRS exclusions in Q3 2016

Non-IFRS exclusions consist of costs related to the Alcatel-Lucent transaction and related integration, goodwill impairment charges, intangible asset amortization and purchase price related items, restructuring and associated charges, and certain other items that may not be indicative of Nokia's underlying business performance. For additional details, please refer to note 2, "Non-IFRS to reported reconciliation, Continuing Operations", in the notes to the financial statements attached to this report.



Nokia standalone historicals1




EUR million



YoY change


QoQ change

Net sales






Gross profit









2 138%









Other income and expenses






Operating profit/(loss)




(1 092)


Financial income and expenses


















Profit/(loss) attributable to the shareholders of the parent






Non-controlling interests






1Nokia standalone historicals are the recasting of Nokia's historical standalone financial results, reflecting Nokia's updated segment reporting structure, excluding Alcatel-Lucent. Beginning from the first quarter 2016, Nokia results include those of Alcatel-Lucent on a consolidated basis. Accordingly, Nokia results beginning from the first quarter 2016 are not directly comparable to prior period Nokia standalone results.


Net sales

In the third quarter 2016, non-IFRS exclusions in net sales amounted to EUR 60 million, and related to purchase price allocation adjustment related to the reduced valuation of deferred revenue that existed on Alcatel-Lucent's balance sheet at the time of the acquisition.

Operating profit

In the third quarter 2016, non-IFRS exclusions in operating profit amounted to EUR 501 million, and were attributable to non-IFRS exclusions that negatively affected gross profit, R&D, SG&A and other income and expenses as follows:

In the third quarter 2016, non-IFRS exclusions in gross profit amounted to EUR 149 million, and primarily due to product portfolio integration costs related to the acquisition of Alcatel-Lucent, and the deferred revenue.

In the third quarter 2016, non-IFRS exclusions in R&D expenses amounted to EUR 179 million, and primarily related to the amortization of intangible assets resulting from the acquisition of Alcatel-Lucent and, to a lesser extent, product portfolio integration costs related to the acquisition of Alcatel-Lucent.

In the third quarter 2016, non-IFRS exclusions in SG&A expenses amounted to EUR 145 million, and primarily related to the amortization of intangible assets resulting from the acquisition of Alcatel-Lucent, as well as integration and transaction related costs.

In the third quarter 2016, non-IFRS exclusions in other income and expenses amounted to EUR 29 million, and primarily related to EUR 34 million of restructuring and associated charges for Nokia's cost reduction and efficiency improvement initiatives.

Cost savings program

The following table summarizes the financial information related to our cost savings program, as of the end of the third quarter 2016. Balances related to previous Nokia and Alcatel-Lucent restructuring and cost savings programs have been included as part of this overall cost savings program.

 In EUR million, approximately


Opening balance of restructuring and associated liabilities


 + Charges in the quarter


 - Cash outflows in the quarter


 = Ending balance of restructuring and associated liabilities


  of which restructuring provisions


  of which other associated liabilities




Total expected restructuring and associated charges

1 200

 - Cumulative recorded


 = Charges remaining to be recorded




Total expected restructuring and associated cash outflows

1 650

 - Cumulative recorded


 = Cash outflows remaining to be recorded

1 370








Annual cost savings for Nokia, excluding Nokia Technologies

Approximately EUR 1.2 billion of total annual cost savings to be achieved in full year 2018

Compared to the combined non-IFRS operating costs of Nokia and Alcatel-Lucent for full year 2015, excluding Nokia Technologies.

Under this expanded cost savings program, restructuring and associated charges are expected to total approximately EUR 1.2 billion, of which approximately EUR 640 million was recorded as of Q3 2016.

Related restructuring and associated cash outflows are expected to total approximately EUR 1.65 billion, of which approximately EUR 230 million was recorded as of Q3 2016.

In addition to the above amounts, note that Nokia's overall charges and cash outflows will also include amounts related to network equipment swaps. The charges related to network equipment swaps will be recorded as non-IFRS exclusions and, therefore, will not affect Nokia's non-IFRS operating profit.


FY16 Non-IFRS financial income and expense

Expense of approximately EUR 300 million

Primarily includes net interest expenses related to interest-bearing liabilities, interest costs related to the defined benefit pension and other post-employment benefit plans, as well as the impact from changes in foreign exchange rates on certain balance sheet items. This outlook may vary subject to changes in the above listed items.


FY16 Non-IFRS tax rate

Approximately 40% for Q4 2016 and above 40% for full year 2016 (update)

The increase in the non-IFRS tax rate for the combined company, compared to Nokia on a standalone basis, is primarily attributable to unfavorable changes in the regional profit mix as a result of the acquisition of Alcatel-Lucent. Nokia expects its effective long-term non-IFRS tax rate to be clearly below the full year 2016 level, and intends to provide further commentary later in 2016. (This update adds Q4 2016 guidance to unchanged full year 2016 guidance.)


FY16 Cash outflows related to taxes

Approximately EUR 400 million

May vary due to profit levels in different jurisdictions and the amount of licensing income subject to withholding tax.


FY16 Capital expenditures

Approximately EUR 550 million (update)

Primarily attributable to Nokia's Networks business. (This is an update to the earlier outlook for EUR 650 million.)

Nokia's Networks business

FY16 net sales

Decline YoY

Combined company net sales and operating margin are expected to be influenced by factors including:

  • A declining capital expenditure environment in 2016 for our overall addressable market (this is an update to the earlier guidance commentary for a flattish capital expenditure environment);
  • A declining wireless infrastructure market in 2016;
  • Significant focus on the integration of Alcatel-Lucent, particularly in the first half of 2016;
  • Significant QoQ net sales growth and operating margin expansion in Q4 2016;
  • Net sales declining YoY in Q4 2016 at an approximately similar rate as in Q3 2016 (new commentary);
  • Competitive industry dynamics;
  • Product and regional mix;
  • The timing of major network deployments; and
  • Execution of cost savings plans.

FY16 operating margin


Nokia Technologies

FY16 Net sales


Not provided

Due to risks and uncertainties in determining the timing and value of significant licensing agreements, Nokia believes it is not appropriate to provide an annual outlook for fiscal year 2016. Nokia expects annualized net sales related to patent and brand licensing to grow to a run rate of approximately EUR 950 million by the end of 2016. License agreements which currently contribute approximately EUR 150 million to the annualized net sales run rate are set to expire before the end of 2016. If we do not renew these license agreements, nor sign any new licensing agreements, the annualized net sales run rate would be approximately EUR 800 million in early 2017. Furthermore, the contribution of the Withings acquisition to Nokia Technologies net sales is expected to be approximately EUR 50 million in the second half of 2016, with strong Q4 seasonality. The contribution of the acquisition to Nokia Technologies operating profit is expected to be slightly negative for the second half of 2016.



It should be noted that Nokia and its businesses are exposed to various risks and uncertainties and certain statements herein that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements, including, without limitation, those regarding: A) our ability to integrate Alcatel Lucent into our operations and achieve the targeted business plans and benefits, including targeted synergies in relation to the acquisition of Alcatel Lucent announced on April 15, 2015 and closed in early 2016; B) our ability to squeeze out the remaining Alcatel Lucent shareholders in a timely manner or at all to achieve full ownership of Alcatel Lucent; C) expectations, plans or benefits related to our strategies and growth management; D) expectations, plans or benefits related to future performance of our businesses; E) expectations, plans or benefits related to changes in our management and other leadership, operational structure and operating model, including the expected characteristics, business, organizational structure, management and operations following the acquisition of Alcatel Lucent; F) expectations regarding market developments, general economic conditions and structural changes; G) expectations and targets regarding financial performance, results, operating expenses, taxes, currency exchange rates, hedging, cost savings and competitiveness, as well as results of operations including targeted synergies and those related to market share, prices, net sales, income and margins; H) timing of the deliveries of our products and services; I) expectations and targets regarding collaboration and partnering arrangements, joint-ventures or the creation of joint-ventures, as well as our expected customer reach; J) outcome of pending and threatened litigation, arbitration, disputes, regulatory proceedings or investigations by authorities, including the implications of the legal action brought against the French stock market authority's (Autorité des marchés financiers) clearance decision on Nokia's proposed public buy-out offer followed by a squeeze-out; K) expectations regarding restructurings, investments, uses of proceeds from transactions, acquisitions and divestments and our ability to achieve the financial and operational targets set in connection with any such restructurings, investments, divestments and acquisitions; and L) statements preceded by or including "believe," "expect," "anticipate," "foresee," "sees," "target," "estimate," "designed," "aim," "plans," "intends," "focus," "continue," "project," "should," "will" or similar expressions. These statements are based on the management's best assumptions and beliefs in light of the information currently available to it. Because they involve risks and uncertainties, actual results may differ materially from the results that we currently expect. Factors, including risks and uncertainties, that could cause such differences include, but are not limited to: 1) our ability to execute our strategy, sustain or improve the operational and financial performance of our business or correctly identify or successfully pursue business opportunities or growth; 2) our ability to achieve the anticipated business and operational benefits and synergies from the Alcatel Lucent transaction, including our ability to integrate Alcatel Lucent into our operations and within the timeframe targeted, and our ability to implement our organization and operational structure efficiently; 3) our ability to complete the purchases of the remaining outstanding Alcatel Lucent securities and realize the benefits of the public exchange offer for all outstanding Alcatel Lucent securities, and the outcome of the decision by the French Court of Appeal in relation to the clearance decision of Nokia's proposed public buy-out offer and squeeze-out; 4) our dependence on general economic and market conditions and other developments in the economies where we operate; 5) our dependence on the development of the industries in which we operate, including the cyclicality and variability of the telecommunications industry; 6) our exposure to regulatory, political or other developments in various countries or regions, including emerging markets and the associated risks in relation to tax matters and exchange controls, among others; 7) our ability to effectively and profitably compete and invest in new competitive high-quality products, services, upgrades and technologies and bring them to market in a timely manner; 8) our dependence on a limited number of customers and large multi-year agreements; 9) Nokia Technologies' ability to maintain and establish new sources of patent licensing income and IPR-related revenues, particularly in the smartphone market; 10) our dependence on IPR technologies, including those that we have developed and those that are licensed to us, and the risk of associated IPR-related legal claims, licensing costs and restrictions on use; 11) our exposure to direct and indirect regulation, including economic or trade policies, and the reliability of our governance, internal controls and compliance processes to prevent regulatory penalties; 12) our reliance on third-party solutions for data storage and the distribution of products and services, which expose us to risks relating to security, regulation and cybersecurity breaches; 13) Nokia Technologies' ability to generate net sales and profitability through licensing of the Nokia brand, the development and sales of products and services, as well as other business ventures which may not materialize as planned; 14) our exposure to legislative frameworks and jurisdictions that regulate fraud, economic trade sanctions and policies, and Alcatel Lucent's previous and current involvement in anti-corruption allegations; 15) the potential complex tax issues, tax disputes and tax obligations we may face in various jurisdictions, including the risk of obligations to pay additional taxes; 16) our actual or anticipated performance, among other factors, which could reduce our ability to utilize deferred tax assets; 17) our ability to retain, motivate, develop and recruit appropriately skilled employees; 18) our ability to manage our manufacturing, service creation, delivery, logistics and supply chain processes, and the risk related to our geographically concentrated production sites; 19) the impact of unfavorable outcome of litigation, arbitration, agreement-related disputes or allegations of product liability associated with our businesses; 20) exchange rate fluctuations, as well as hedging activities; 21) inefficiencies, breaches, malfunctions or disruptions of information technology systems; 22) our ability to optimize our capital structure as planned and re-establish our investment grade credit rating or otherwise improve our credit ratings; 23) uncertainty related to the amount of dividends and equity return we are able to distribute to shareholders for each financial period; 24) our ability to achieve targeted benefits from or successfully implement planned transactions, as well as the liabilities related thereto; 25) our involvement in joint ventures and jointly-managed companies or failures to create planned joint ventures; 26) performance failures by our partners or failure to agree to partnering arrangements with third parties; 27) our ability to manage and improve our financial and operating performance, cost savings, competitiveness and synergy benefits after the acquisition of Alcatel Lucent; 28) adverse developments with respect to customer financing or extended payment terms we provide to customers; 29) the carrying amount of our goodwill may not be recoverable; 30) risks related to undersea infrastructure; 31) unexpected liabilities with respect to pension plans, insurance matters and employees; and 32) unexpected liabilities or issues with respect to the acquisition of Alcatel Lucent, including pension, postretirement, health and life insurance and other employee liabilities or higher than expected transaction costs as well as the risk factors specified on pages 69 to 87 of our annual report on Form 20-F filed on April 1, 2016 under "Operating and financial review and prospects-Risk factors", as well as in Nokia's other filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Other unknown or unpredictable factors or underlying assumptions subsequently proven to be incorrect could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. We do not undertake any obligation to publicly update or revise forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except to the extent legally required.

The financial statements were authorized for issue by management on October 26, 2016.

Media and Investor Contacts:

Communications, tel. +358 10 448 4900 email: press.services@nokia.com
Investor Relations, tel. +358 4080 3 4080 email:

  • Nokia plans to hold its Capital Markets Day in Barcelona on November 15, 2016.
  • Nokia plans to publish its fourth quarter and annual 2016 results on February 2, 2017.
  • Nokia's Annual General Meeting 2017 is planned to be held on May 23, 2017.

Nokia Q3 2016 Interim Report

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