Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Times of lsIamabad Tweeted: Indian Army officials death toll on LoC since 2001 crosses 4500: Indian Army spokesman 

@bwoyblunder, @RadioPakistan, @mihirssharma, @DennisKoutoudis, @fakingnews also Tweeted. Your Highlights Times of lsIamabad @TimesofIslambad Indian Army officials death toll on LoC since 2001 crosses 4500: Indian Army spokesman  http://ift.tt/2fynbS1  8  6 Overtly Covert @bwoyblunder NDTV begged for mercy? So did they admit their case was weak inspite of appealing in SC? Why else this meeting? http://twitter.com/sanjivanibooty…  310  170 Liked by Times of lsIamabad Radio Pakistan @RadioPakistan Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Governor says return of TDPs of FATA is in the final stages http://ift.tt/2fjmHMx  2  7 Mihir Sharma @mihirssharma Sorry, Britain. The Brexiteers lied: India won't bail you out. Like Europe, we expect migration if you want trade. Britain's Empire Strikes Back Free trade won't be an option without freer labor. bloomberg.com  150  110 Dennis Koutoudis @DennisKoutoudis #LinkedIn Profile Views – How to get more, faster. http://ift.tt/2dRHtnU  9  9 Faking News @fakingnews Free Wi-Fi effect: Train driver halts the train at railway station, says will not start till his movie is downloaded Free Wi-Fi effect: Train driver halts the train at railway station, says will not start till his... Patna Kota Express train driver created commotion at Patna railway station after he was found... more fakingnews.firstpost.com  19  37 Settings  |  Help  |  Opt-out This email was generated for @adityaadiswt. Twitter, Inc. 1355 Market Street, Suite 900 San Francisco, CA 94103

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