Thursday, 3 November 2016

JAYANTA DAS (JD) Tweeted: I am saying this with 100% confident that KJo has manipulated 2/- Website #AeDilHaiMushkil was Cr Net

@bhak_sala, @mihirssharma, @YouDontKnowWho_, @rahulroushan, @ValaAfshar also Tweeted. Your Highlights JAYANTA DAS (JD) @jayantadas10 I am saying this with 100% confident that KJo has manipulated 2/- Website,yesterday #AeDilHaiMushkil was 6.50 Cr Net  23  32 Bhak Sala @bhak_sala This is the same feeling which Delhites are going through now. AAP has detained Delhi. No idea where they are taking it.…  430  390 Mihir Sharma @mihirssharma Dying of laughter. This guy stood next to Modi at an "ex-serviceman" rally in Rewari in September 2013 and *began* the OROP politicisation…  690  360 Retweeted by Anuj Khurana Ashwin @YouDontKnowWho_ To create a world where kids don't find fucking crackers to be a source of amusement in the first place you nincompoop…  130  100 Rahul Roushan @rahulroushan They were terrorists who had slit open a cop's throat & murdered him, but since your police murders anyone with dark skin, you can't fathom…  1.1K  620 Vala Afshar @ValaAfshar 12 years ago, someone named Mark Zuckerberg spoke to @CNBC about his small but growing social network $FB  330  340 Settings  |  Help  |  Opt-out This email was generated for @adityaadiswt. Twitter, Inc. 1355 Market Street, Suite 900 San Francisco, CA 94103

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