Saturday 4 August 2018

These Craziest Interview Questions Can Land You a Job !

Make Intelligent Career Decisions - JobBuzz Make Intelligent Career Decisions - JobBuzz 4 Craziest Interview Questions! Just to check if you can think out-of-the-box, recruiters sometimes ask some crazy questions in the interviews. Prepare their answers to increase your chances of clearing a Job interview successfully. Check Out >> Let's see if you can out-think them 1 If you were on an island and could only bring three things, what would you bring? View Answer >> 2 How will you estimate the no. of windows in Mumbai? View Answer >> 3 Who would win in a fight between Superman and Batman? View Answer >> 4 How would you describe color "red" to someone who is blind? View Answer >> Explore Now >> Get all this and more at the ALL NEW JOBBUZZ Improve your chances of getting your dream job. Interview Questions 61,000+ expected questions:crack the interview Company Review 57,000+ Companies:get inside information

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